I found this headpiece very stylish. I am clueless when it comes to what’s in style for wedding as I am not interested in looking at something I won’t wear. I had no idea that this type of headpiece had been popular recently. I think it looks so pretty!
We went to my husband’s cousin’s wedding in Tulsa, Oklahoma in mid July. She has a good taste and I enjoyed seeing her style in every detail of her wedding.
The first set of 5 pictures were taken at the rehearsal dinner. Our older daughter was a flower girl and the younger daughter was a bell-ringer (big job!) in the wedding. The food was great. I especially enjoyed the desserts!! I don’t have pictures of the gifts our girls got, but each kid at the rehearsal dinner received a tin can filled with little toys and our girls enjoyed playing with them during and after the rehearsal dinner.
The wedding was beautiful and the reception was fun. It was wonderful to see my husband’s side of family before we left the stateside to move overseas. The timing of this wedding could have not been more perfect.
Our girls, especially our older one, were mesmerized by the whole event. Our older daughter has been interested in weddings since she was two. Crazy! After watching the first dance, my daughter turned to me and said “mama, I want to get married!” Goodness… I never even dreamed of a wedding for myself. It’s interesting how different our kids can be from ourselves.
Our girls could have danced the night away. Unfortunately, we had to go back to our hotel for a good night sleep, so that’s what we did shortly after this photo. The lovely wedding was over, but our fun memories will stay with us!
Could I introduce my older son for your daughter? He’s interested in marriage too!