I had lunch with my friend at Union Brasserie in Plaza Senayan Courtyard on Jalan Asia Afrika. I loved the way Union Brasserie is set up. It is facing the courtyard with fountain with lots of natural light coming in from the big windows. I stepped into Union Brasserie and almost felt like I walked into a restaurant in Europe. It was interesting to read the review about Union Brasserie by the Jakarta 100 Bars blog which mentioned Loewy because my friend, Kara, who took me there told me before that Union Brasserie reminded her of Loewy. (I haven’t been to Loewy.)
You can read review for Union Brasserie on the jakarta 100 bars blog and take a look at pretty photos on JenzCorner. I find them helpful and I think their critiques are accurate.
I was in the mood for a salad and the salad I ordered hit the spot. I was satisfied although a couple of my friends later told me I need to be careful when I order salad in Jakarta. True. I’ve already had parasite, so I don’t need to be too adventurous although I ordered salad there because Union Brasserie looked safe to me. The minestrone soup, on the other hand, was a little bit of disappointment. Oh well. My friend, Kara, ordered a plate with salmon from a starter and she seemed to have enjoyed it. For lunch, the price for the location, I would say very regular for Jakarta standard. It might be more on the expensive side, but based on my expat dining experience in Jakarta, it’s not bad. I enjoyed the whole dining experience more than anything and will I go back? Definitely yes.
Plaza Senayan Courtyard, Ground Floor
Jalan Asia Afrika No.8, Jakarta
Plaza Senayan Courtyard is the building next to the Plaza Senayan on the left side if you face Plaza Senayan from Jalan Asia Afrika.
Phone number:+62-21 5790 5861/63
Follow Union’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/unionjkt
Union Brasserie (ユニオン・ブラッスリー)はプラザ・スナヤン・コートヤードに入っているとても素敵なヨーロッパ調のレストランです。どうやらLoewyのオーナーが持っているらしく、友人がUnion Brasserie (ユニオン・ブラッスリー)に入った瞬間、Loewyと雰囲気が似ていると言っていました。Loewyへは行った事が無いので、なんとも言えないのですが、ガラス張りのUnion Brasserie (ユニオン・ブラッスリー)はいつ行っても人でにぎわっており、予約が無いと忙しいランチ時など席が取れません。多分夜も同じかと思います。雰囲気もとても良かったですし、お食事も美味しかったです。値段的には東京の都心部に比べたら安いかもしれませんが、ジャカルタのスタンダードで言うと、外国人向けで高めだと感じます。サラダはとても美味しかったですよ。お勧めです。ジャカルタではサラダには気をつけろと言われるのですが、Union Brasserie (ユニオン・ブラッスリー)は安全そうに見えたので、食べちゃいました。サイドで注文したミネストローネスープはというと、ちょっといまいちでした。でもランチ自体はとても美味しかったですし、雰囲気もプラスで満足でした。また是非戻りたいです。
I haven’t been back for almost 9 years.. a lot of changes already. So many places I haven’t been to. Thanks for writing them up. It’d be pretty useful later on.
Kaho this is perfect timing! My new friend Joe (who I met at Risotto cooking class) also recommended this place to me! I hope to visit it soon!
P.S. I agree with you on being careful with salads! We also always order our drinks cold, without ice since we’ve some bad experience with ice in some restos.
oh it looks like such a cozy place. and the food looks nice too 😉
hope you had a wonderful weekend.
you can have all the autumn you want here. i’d love to swap with you 😉
It is very cozy place for lunch. I love all those resto that facing a big courtyard and have plenty of natural light, If only Jakarta weather is forever Autumn then It would be perfect for a little outdoor dining 🙂
Hi Kaho, I always wonder how’s the food there every time I walked pass Sogo Senayan.
I agree with you, the food looks kinda standard… but the interior is really nice, bright and cozy.
Hi Kaho,
Your friend is right, there is a similarity between Union and Loewy, because they are under the same management. I am a regular of Loewy, that’s my favourite place. I always stop by there every time I come home to Jakarta. The last time I was at Loewy, the staff there informed me about the opening of Union. Too bad I haven’t got the chance to visit it.
I’ve recommended you before, you should try Loewy. I love Loewy, for brunch, for afternoon drinks, for dinner or for late drinks 🙂
Maybe you should come by sometimes for brunch … Love love love the brunch menus.
Makanannya enak-enak dan membuat lidah ketagihan.. kamu biasa pilih makanan yang mana gan? saya biasa pilih yang “Afternoon Tea Package” untuk melihat gambarnya kamu bisa liat disini gan http://goo.gl/KGoJDJ
Terima kasih untuk komentar! Tidak ada makanan yang aku biasa pilih. Semua enak. Aku melihat foto kamu. Cantik!