One day I was checking my twitter account and saw that if retweeting theGOODSDept. tweet about TokyoFlash Launch Party means an entry to an invitation give away for TokyoFlash Launch Party. I saw Tokyo and Japan and that tickled my interest. Nonchalantly I retweeted. I didn’t think I would win it. About fifteen minutes later, I saw that my twitter account was mentioned. It turned out that I was one of the 5 people who were invited to the TokyoFlash Launch Party! I was excited!! I have never been to a launch party before!
The invitation came in two, so I asked my friend, Melany, to come with me because she writes for Sub Magazine and thought that she might be interested. Check out here for the article she wrote about the Tokyo Flash Launch Party along with her neat photos. I like her style of writing.
The party was held at the GOODS Dept in Plaza Indonesia. I have been to the GOODS Dept., but I have never tried the GOODS Cafe. Malany and I ate at the Goods Cafe after we left the party. The chips and guacamole and Thai calamari hit the spot and fulfilled my late night hunger.
What an evening! I felt like I was in an outer space. It was also very entertaining to watch the fashion of stylish young Indonesians at the launch party.
ある日ツイッターをチェックしていたら、theGOODSDept. のツイートをリツイート(再ツイート)すると、TokyoFlashの立ち上げパーティー招待券が当たる、というツイートを見ました。東京と見ただけで、興味本位でとりあえずリツイートしてみました。15分後に、誰かが私のツイッターの名前をツイートしたとあり、見てみるとなんと招待券が当たっていたのです!こんなまぐれもあるものなんですね!今まで立ち上げパーティーなんて行った事も無く、とてもわくわくしました。
招待は2人分でした。そこで、友人でSub Magazineの記者をしているメラニーなら興味があるかもしれないと思い、誘ってみました。彼女が書いた東京フラッシュの立ち上げパーティーに関する記事と写真に興味がある方は、こちらをクリックしてください。
I like the devil horns 🙂
ooh this so techy cool! Were they launching a futuristic wristwatch?
Wow how cool! You’re on a winning streak sweety! Remember it comes in threes so you’re up for one more! The launch and watches looks super cool! Will check out Melany’s post!
whoa, that’s so cool you won! i’ve never won an invitation to any event before. 🙂 the photos made it look cool and interesting. 🙂
I didn’t know this brand was famous… My sister-in-law’s partner really wanted it and asked us to buy it here. But the model she wanted was not available or something and we ended up not buying. Their watches looked very unique and fashionable although it’s only available at some stores.
Great Post Kaho…That was really fun!! I’m glad I have such a lucky (and generous!) friend 😀