One of the many fun things about living in Mumbai is to find a small beautiful shop like THE SHOP. I spotted THE SHOP on Ambedkar Road one time and then later my friend went shopping there and highly recommended to go shopping there. THE SHOP has beautiful kids clothes, women’s clothes, linens, table clothes, potteries and more. The design of the textiles The Shop uses for home decor are elegant and chic. I hope you will enjoy the photos taken at THE SHOP in Mumbai.
ムンバイ在住の楽しみの一つは、THE SHOP(ザ・ショップ)のような素敵な雑貨屋さんに巡り会える事です。アンベッカー通りを通りかかったある日、ザ・ショップが目にとまり、行ってみたいと思いました。そうしたら、友人がお店に行って、とても可愛いから是非と勧められました。ザ・ショップは、とても素敵な子供服、婦人服、寝具雑貨、テーブルクロス、陶器など、様々な商品を扱っています。デザインと言い、布といい、ザ・ショップが使用している布はとてもエレガントで、シックで、気に入りました。写真をお楽しみ頂けると嬉しいです。
If you come visit Mumbai, THE SHOP is a fantastic store for your souvenir shopping. In Mumbai, THE SHOP is located in Bandra, a very convenient location for any shopping, so it might be nice to swing by when you in the area. Ceramic items are unfortunately not so suitable for packing in your suitcases just because they can be heavy, bulky and breakable, but fabric items will make great souvenirs and your families and friends back home will probably like the products.
ムンバイにいらっしゃる事がありましたら、THE SHOPはお土産の買い物にとてもお勧めです。バンドラというとても買い物にも良い地域にTHE SHOPの店舗がありますので、バンドラへ立ち寄る事があれば是非買い物に行ってみて下さい!陶器はかさばる上重く、壊れ物なので、スーツケースに詰めるには適していませんが、布ものはお土産にも良いかと思います。きっとご家族の方やお友達などにも喜ばれると思います。
57/116 Ground Floor, Drego House
Ambedkar Road
Bandra West
Mumbai 400 050
Tel: +91 22 2648 7887/7888
10 Regal building, Parliament Street
Connaught Place
New Delhi 110 001
Tel: +91 11 2334 2575
+2336 0972
Fax: +91 11 2334 2575
B-126, Sector 5, Noida 201 301
Uttar Pradesh
Tel: +91 120 2420683, 423507
EMAIL: | website
I have recently discovered your blog and enjoy seeing the beauty you find at your post and vacation spots. What a lovely store! The colors and textures of the merchandise are gorgeous, but my favorite has got to be the curtain rod with the fish. What a whimsical idea!
Thank you, Nomads By Nature! I’m a nomad myself! I love THE SHOP. You have a good observation. I didn’t even notice the fish on the curtain rod! I appreciate that you paid attention to the details!!
I agree with Nomads By Nature. I love the colours and textures in your photos!
Thank you!!