I have seen the papilion building in Kemang from my car window and always wondered what it looked like inside the papilion and have fancied to go there one day. I confess. I have never even stepped my foot inside the door of the papilion in the past 2 years. The intimidating appearance of the building always made me think that I had to have a reason to go to.
I had an occasion to go to the papilion as I was invited to a morning tea at Huize van Wely in the papilion for one of my Japanese girl friends’ farewell gathering. It was organized by two stylish Japanese girls (gotta love them).
The papilion is a gorgeous building that stands in the heart of Kemang, the hip and trendy area of Jakarta in my opinion. (It is also the area where you experience traffic that resembles a parking lot or clogged pipe.) I always tell new comers to Jakarta that Kemang is like SoHo of New York City. No place can be as cool as SoHo obviously, but Kemang is similar to SoHo in a sense that it is an artsy area of Jakarta where you find a wide variety of trendy stores and shops.
As soon as I stepped in Huize van Wely inside the papilion, I was like “Hello, where have you been?” I know. Where have I been? I fell in love.
Huize van Wely is a Dutch patisserie and restaurant. The restaurant has an afternoon tea menu whose price I remember being pricy. All the girls who got together have little ones and morning is better for them anyways, so organizers decided on morning tea. Since there is not a set menu for morning tea, my friend made an arrangement in advance with the restaurant and pre-selected some food and each of us ordered tea of preference. The cost ended up being IDR 150,000 (about US$15) per person which included the share for our guest of honor. I think that is very reasonable.
Huize van Wely
Level 1
Jalan Kemang Raya 45AA
Jakarta Selatan
Jakarta 12730
TEL: +62 0(21) 719 0789 / 719 1975
FAX: +62 0(21) 718 1574
Email: reservations@thepapilion.co.id
ジャカルタ滞在の過去2年間以上もの間、クマンに行く度に素敵なガラス張りのthe papilionの建物を眺めては、the papilionの中に入ってみたいと思っていました。でも何故か、行く理由がなく、あまりにも素敵な外観であるため、中のお店も高そうで、近寄り難いイメージがありました。
所が先日、日本人のお友達が帰国となり、お別れのお茶会がthe papilion内、オランダからのショコラティエでありレストランでもあるHuize van Welyで行われ、ついにこの私もthe papilionに行って来ました。
2年間以上もジャカルタに在住しているのに、どうしてthe papilionへ今まで足を踏み入れなかったのだろう?と自分でもとても不思議なのですが、とにかく外観同様、中もとても素敵で、すっかり惚れ込んでしまいました。午後のアフターヌーンティーのパッケージはあるのですが、値段ははっきり覚えていない物の、聞いて結構値段が高いと感じた記憶があります。朝のお茶のパッケージは無いので、企画実行をしてくれた友人が、事前にレストランと相談し、お茶は一人ずつ選べ、写真にあるような軽食のお料理を選んで事前に注文しておいてくれました。デザートには美味しいアイスクリームまで出て満足でした。お値段は、お引っ越ししてしまう友人の分も他集まった10人位で分け、一人150,000ルピア(1,500円くらい)となりました。とてもリーズナブルだと思います。
Hi Kaho,
Love your blog and thank you for this glimpse into Jakarta!
I appreciate that you stopped by!
Wow, this place looks great. I want those cakeeees :9
They looked really pretty. The chocolate looked hard to resist, too.
Looks so tempting. Love those teapots too. 🙂 x
They looked pretty and different. Loved them, too!
Kaho, the place looks so cozy and nice. You captured a very nice images at here 🙂
It is beautiful. This was one of the places that made think this is the reason why I love Jakarta.
ohhh wow. serious sugar cravings…
I get that everyday!
I go to Huize van Wely in Pacific Place once, but this place look better. Thanks for sharing
I didn’t realize that there was another one in Pacific Place! I love the Papilion. It’s beautiful!!!
There’s another one..inside Papilion Duo on Pacific Place GF. But these place in Kemang look much better. Can’t wait to go there 🙂
Thanks for saying that!
I really really love your food pics in this post! The row of cakes being my faves 🙂
Ah, thank you!! Hugs
Hi Kaho, I really like your blog and I really want getting to know you in person. May I invite you to come to my place?
Hi! I noticed that your email address has the Papilion. I would love to come visit the gorgeous Papilion.