My friend, Christy, and I were talking last week about my blog and I told her I need to make some name cards/business cards for my blog so that I can hand them out to the store managers and owner when I ask for permission to take pictures. Here in Jakarta whether you have business or not, it’s very common that people exchange name cards that look just like business cards except it has your personal information. It’s very inexpensive to make business cards, too.
Christy said there was a place you can make name cards in Kemang, South Jakarta. I heard from my Japanese friends that there is a place called Office 2000 in many shopping malls like Pondok Indah Mall and Senayan City where she made her beautiful personal cards. I just have not gotten to it yet since it’s not convenient to access there with taxi just for business cards and the malls are big. I, however, thought Kemang is close and easier to access for me. She asked if I knew Adorama Plaza and a restaurant in the mall called Tamnak Thai. No, I have never even heard of it. She said “Kaho, you don’t know Tamnak Thai!?”
Sweet Christy thought I would be interested in writing up about this restaurant on my blog. She asked if we could meet up for lunch and Monday (day before this) worked for both of us for lunch, so we went to Tamnak Thai on Monday. I love meeting with my friends for lunch. The great thing is that I was able to get the name cards done and I found a new place to write on my bog on the same day. That’s super!! I can be a procrastinator, so when people force me to get stuff done, that helps me a lot, too!
We had some great Thai food with Thai Iced Tea (I took some pictures, but they all turned out very blurry…). We ordered the spicy sour Tom Yam Soup and split it. We also ordered spring rolls. Tamnak Thai has two locations; Menteng (down town) and Kemang (Southern Jakarta). The one in Menteng seems to be bigger. It feels good discovered a new Thai restaurant near us.
Plaza Adorama – Ground Floor
Jl. Kemang Raya No. 17
Kemang, Jakarta Selatan
Phone: (021) 719 9000
As for business/personal cards I made for myself, I will take a photo of the end product and show you. There are two places I saw in Adorama Plaza; Adorama Photo Lab (photo above right) and Office 2000. Adorama Photo Lab is good for business cards for businesses. If you have logo, photos or designs you want to use on your business cards (and if you know how to use photoshop very well), it’s a great place. For personal use and you just want to make some basic personal cards with your contact information with pretty design, I recommend Office 2000. I first went to Adorama, but it was way too technical, plus the guy who was helping me was not at all helpful. Pathetic. I almost went home because I actually forgot that Office 2000 was the place my friend made hers, so I called her from outside of the Adorama Plaza asked where she went for her personal cards. She reminded me it was Office 2000. I walked backed in and over to Office 2000 inside the Adorama Plaza. I was delighted to find out that the place my Japanese friend made her card was right there and I didn’t have to drive all the way to Pondok Indah or Senayan City. Office 2000 in Adorama Plaza is where I ended up making my own. I cannot wait to see the end products!
This post is making me very hungry!
what a great idea to have business cards plus if shop owners like the photos and what you write about them, word can spread and you can have more opportunities to feature other shops.