I used to be good about blogging and posted everyday for a while. After I got pregnant, little by little the frequency of my posting during a week became fewer and fewer. When my morning sickness peaked, I couldn’t even care about it. I seemed to have dropped off the face of the earth.
Around the same time, I started training for a race in Siem Reap, Cambodia, which took place in December 2011. (By the way, I still need to post about the awesome trip I made with my girl friends in Siem Reap.) My priority became going to bed early enough to get up early so that I can jog in the morning. I usually blog after my kids go to bed and because I started going to bed early, I no longer had enough time to blog. At the beginning it bothered me, then the guilt faded. I realized that since I’m not paid to do this, I needed to put my priorities straight.
Today I mark 36 weeks and am entering my last month, 9th month, of the 3rd pregnancy. There are 28 days till the due date. I left Jakarta and flew out to Singapore a week and a half ago so that I can have a baby here. I’m here with my second child. My husband and our first daughter came with us to drop us off in Singapore last weekend and went back to Jakarta as my husband has to work and our daughter has to go to school. Singapore is where I spent 3 years of my high school life. It’s surreal to be back living in the country where I spent part of my youth and preparing to have a baby. I am very happy.
Pregnancy is different for everyone and even each pregnancy is different for the same woman. This pregnancy for me has been the toughest among three I’ve experienced in terms of physical challenges during the third trimester.
Fortunately I feel much better since I moved to Singapore. I should be catching up with my blog, but the thing is that I have been falling asleep like a baby on the couch. I face my computer and next thing I know, I have passed out and wake up in the middle of the night. That’s why I haven’t blogged much.
I’d like to confess that I’ve been waking up starving in the early morning which never happened before coming to Singapore. I’m a beast. I try to wait till 5:00 and eat. I used to feel sick which helped me control the amount I ate and what I put in my mouth, but now I feel so much better that I’m out of control…
The next couple of months will be full of unknown for me and my family. I hope things will go well for us. My posting might get infrequent again (What do I mean by again? It’s already infrequent!). I will try my best to keep up with my blog. Thank you to those who have come visit my blog and read my posts!!
Can’t wait to see the newest wee one! Do you have names picked out?
I can’t wait, either! We don’t have any names yet. We’ll see…
Kaho, I’m sure everything will be fine 😉 I’ve seen the latest photos of you taken by your daughter, you look gorgeous lady !
Awww, thank you!! You’re sweet!
Dear Kaho-sama, Happy Valentines Day, and Thank you for sharing your update. You look divinely beautiful in the pictures taken by your daughter! Being separated from your husband and your first daughter for the moment might not be perfectly easy, but Singapore must be the perfect neighbor city-state to welcome a new family. I hope you and your second daughter will enjoy smooth, relaxing and happy stay.
Junko san, thank you so much for leaving me a comment!!! Singapore is definitely a perfect neighboring city to welcome a new member and we feel very fortunate!! Thanks so much!
Aha! You’re back! (sort of :p)
Hope you’re having fun in Singapore.. Any recommended places to visit? I’ll be there for about a week in March.. Maybe we can meet up? 🙂
Hi, Atri! I’m sort of back like you said! 🙂 I’m having a lot of fun in Singapore. There are so many places to visit!! China Town, Arab Street, Little India, Clark Quay, Botanic Gardens, Zoo, Night Safari, Sentosa Island, and list still goes on!! If I am not in the hospital, maybe we can meet up!
Wish you all the best for the labor ya Bu 😀 You will feel better once you are adjust to the fresh air di S’pore compare to Jakarta. Ganbatte ne!
I already do feel better! Thanks, Henny!!
I cancelled my plan to deliver my youngest daughter in Singapore last March.. so my third was born in Sri Lanka. It was not an easy pregnancy for me as well and I ended up having c-sec. But thank God, it’s over now 🙂
Good luck. May you have an easy delivery.
So, you had your youngest daughter last March! A year ago! In Sri Lanka! Thank you for your good luck wish!
Dear Kaho, first of congrats on your pregnancy. Im glad to know you are back in SG, I wisg I was there now. Im coming back for Easter, cant wait 🙂 Good luck! Anna
Thanks, Anna! It’s wonderful to be back in Singapore and I’m living it up here. 🙂 How nice you’re coming here for Easter. That will be fun for you!
Hi Kaho,
Wow, congratulations on your 3rd pregnancy and it’s almost your due date too … It’s official that it’s been a long time ago since the last time I visited your blog. What a shame 🙁
Congratulations again, wow, that’s amazing that soon you’ll be having a 3rd monkey in your lovely family.
So, you’re back in Singapore … How’s everything so far? I hope you’re feeling much much better here in Singapore. Don’t get me wrong, as a former Jakartans I love love love Jakarta, but I know that it could be pretty stressing living there 🙂 And Singapore can be a breath of fresh air, literally 🙂
Anyways, I wish you all the best with the pregnancy …
Prisilla, thanks for your comment!! It is almost my due date and it’s been a long journey. I, however, enjoy this last stretch the most as I am in Singapore. Singapore rocks. I know, soon my husband and I will welcome a third monkey. That sounds so crazy!! I’m feeling much better in Singapore than I did in Jakarta. I do love Jakarta though! I was going to write on another post that I think that access to a good quality of water is so important for our health. When you live in a country with clean water, you take it granted, but when you’re in a country with dirty water, it is really hard and that’s in your head all the time. Thanks for your comment and well wishes!!
You are so brave to be away from your hubby for the last part of your pregnancy hun! Thanks for the update and sharing beautiful photos! I totally get it about loving Jakarta but it being stressful as well when it comes to basic things like water. I am amazed at you for trying to get pregnant during your post here… I would love to try to get pregnant already but I am too scared. You know I am a super sickly person and have probs with asthma, allergies and thyroid. So right now we are waiting to move or get recalled. I am glad you are enjoying SG!! Can’t wait to see you when you are back! Mwah!
Thanks! When I look back, it wasn’t too bad, but at the time, I remember I was sick all the time and it made me uncomfortable. But, I survived. If I could do it, many people should be able to do it. It wasn’t easy to be away from my hubby, but the easiest part of my pregnancy was probably the very last month. I’m thankful that I was able to be in Singapore. Can’t wait to introduce our baby to you after we get back!
Looks like such a beautiful place!
It was truly nice. Miss it!