Two Mondays in a row, we didn’t have internet access at our house. I consider this as a welcome from Jakarta. This is just how life is here. The good thing was that my husband and I actually had some time to watch an episode of “GLEE” today. I love this show. The downside of it was that I couldn’t write my post. Till now. I went to bed at a normal time tonight and my husband goes “This is rare. You’re in bed before 11:00 p.m.” Sigh. I hardly go to bed before 11:00 pm because I’m usually still working on my post or doing something with internet. My husband calls it internet addiction. No words to defend myself. What am I doing now? I went to bed once, tried to fall asleep, but couldn’t. My brain kept busy thinking about what to write on my post. So here I am writing in the middle of the night. I think that the diet coke I had tonight affected me, too. Even a cup of strong coffee usually doesn’t affect me, but when I’m all wired up, caffeine in coke can run through my blood.
About the photos above, they were taken at Grand Indonesia. Do you see the green building in the distance? That’s Tanah Abang. Here’s the close up.
It’s a shopping mall with whole sale prices where retail stores in all over Jakarta go to buy items for their shops. It’s a massive mall right by Grand Indonesia. You have to go there early in the morning (leave your house at 8:00 a.m.) because of the terrible traffic around the area. When you go there, it is recommended to bring a purse with a zipper for safety. It’s a fun place to shop and you’ll need a whole day.
Hahaha I totally know what you mean… I think it is a blogger syndrome because once you start blogging you really become addicted to your computer and the net. We didn’t have internet yesterday either. But good thing I had downloaded my shows already and got to watch em as I rested in bed. I am taking the day off from showing around our guests today because I caught something in the gemstone market. Must have been all that smoke!
whoa that mall building is so interesting!!! I never expected it to be a mall I guess!
I thrive on iPhone right now, which makes it harder to get connection… I think I’m addicted to the cyber world too, so I get irritated when that happens!!
I guess I’m quite (a lot?) addicted to the internet too… Luckily my internet isn’t speedy enough that after a while I get tired and leave them
And the building near Grand Indo, did you mean Thamrin City?? That’s the new Tanah Abang. Coz there’s also the older (and more markety like but less cheaper than Thamrin City) Tanah Abang too near there. Thamrin City is famous for their cheap batiks! Hope you’d find one you like there!