Ta Prohm Siem Reap Cambodia
Ta Prohm is the very first temple my girl friends and I visited in Siem Reap, Cambodia. I was excited to go there since I heard that it was the most photogenic temple that was left in much the same condition as it was found. I must say that Ta Prohm was breathtaking and serene and is one of my favorite temples we visited (we visited 7 temples) in Siem Reap. I believe that many professional photos of ruins taken in Siem Reap you find on internet and magazines are taken in Ta Prohm. If you love to take photos, you should not miss this temple. Ta Prohm is also well known for being used as a location in a film Tomb Raider with Angelina Jolie.
Even my friend’s son was into taking photos at Ta Prohm. He was adorable.
As I walked through the Ta Prohm temple with my friends, I snapped away. There were so many scenes where I wish I could preserve in my camera as I saw with my own eyes, but it was not possible.
We were greeted by cute children on the way out.
We walked out of the gate and already felt tired walking around in the heat although we had cool breeze and shaded area was cooler. At the time, I was 25 weeks pregnant. I felt fine after touring Ta Prohm and was pumped up about seeing many more. I wonder if it was because it was dry and cool in Siem Reap in December or many areas were shaded. Can you tell my friend’s son was exhausted though?
As we walked to our tuk-tuk, we were bombarded by little kids who were trying to sell craft items for tourists. Jaime was so nice that she tried to find something to buy from a few kids and soon she was surrounded by many more.
Ta Prohm was magical. If you are in Siem Reap and have limited time to see a few ruins, Ta Prohm should be in your list. You would regret if you skip Ta Prohm.
カンボジアに旅行にいってるのかな? 写真見てすぐにカンボジアだ!ってわかった!
私も行った事があるの! 私遺跡を見るのが大好きなんだ♪ カンボジアはまた行ってみたい国の1つで、シンガポールに住んでる間に絶対に訪れたい国です。 でもコリンと一緒だと無理かな〜。写真の撮りがいがある場所だよね! 素敵な写真たくさん撮って楽しんでね!
Aww that’s so sweet of Jaime! =) your pictures take my breath away!
She was great. Thank you… You’re always so nice.