Stay-at-home orders practiced across the world forced many people to spend their days inside their homes. It taught us that living in a space that makes us feel happy holds a high value. In Manila, people could not go outside freely since March 16. Even after the start of Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine on May 16, children under 21 (and seniors above 60) haven’t been permitted to go outside their homes. (70 days, and counting.) When it became clear that our kids will be cooped up inside the house until an unseeable future, our home literally became their everyday world all day. Providing the best home environment using all we have became my mission.
Due to lack of exposure to the sunlight, Vitamin D deficiency has become one of the concerns for everyone. We took the warning we saw seriously. One day in March, my oldest daughter pointed to the small balcony on the 2nd floor of our house and asked if we could put a table and chairs. We have never even considered using the space prior to the lockdown.
I have tasked my girls to scrub the floor and walls that had turned grey from the dust. After that, we dragged a table that was in our laundry room and brought two chairs from the kids’ desks. Using a table cloth and a flower vase, surprisingly, it turned into a lovely study area for my daughters. They started to sun bathe and workout on the patio as well. Now what it used to be a wasted space became a big part of my girls’ days.
It’s a small patio, but it serves a purpose. My kids like being up there even though they can only stay there for so long since it’s been hot in Manila starting from March. The patio space gives them some privacy while it allows them to breath in fresh air and provides them a change of scenery.
A New Table
After May 16, the city of Manila shifted to the Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine. Basically it means that people are still under a stay-at-home order, but the government permitted some more businesses to reopen. Thus, some shopping malls started to partially open. I ventured out and bought an inexpensive new table for the space at an SM department store in Manila. The old table that came with the house had a wiggly leg, too. Seeing how much the table was used, I saw some benefits of investing in a new table although we only have a year left in Manila. This table, priced at 4,000 Php (USD80), actually looks nice and sturdy. I’m happy with our new purchase and it’s been definitely appreciated by my kids.
Converting a patio to a more useable space wasn’t a difficult task. It, however, showed us that a small change at home can improve the quality of life of people who live there.
5月16日から、マニラは「修正を加えた強化されたコミュニティー隔離措置(Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine – MECQ)」へと変わりました。未だにロックダウンの生活は変わらないのですが、限定して業務の再開が許されたビジネスがあります。部分的ではありますが、マニラのデパートやショッピングモールも開き始めました。そこで、マニラのSMと言うデパートへ繰り出して、バルコニーで使うテーブルを買いました。古いテーブルは脚がグラグラしていたこともあり、新しいものを買い時でした。子供達がバルコニーでテーブルを頻繁に使っていたので、マニラ生活も残すところ1年となった今新しい家具を買うのは気が引けましたが、それでも買う価値があるかなとも思いました。このテーブルはお買い得の4,000ペソ(8,000円)だったのですが、安く見えないですし、意外にしっかりしています。子供達も気に入り、喜んで使ってくれているので、購入しておいて良かったと思いました。
Related Post
I also previously wrote about using a rainbow blanket as a table cloth to cheer up the mood. You can read about it here.
Hi, Kaho
You have such a wonderful house and lots of nice decorations. your balcony is not the only nice, cool and beautiful thing in your house, your house is all of those things. Maybe you can give me some ideas for my bedroom, I am doing a purple theme as that color is my favorite.
Mimi, thank you for your kind words and checking out my blog!! I’m so happy to hear that you think my entire house is beautiful! Thank you!! I’d be happy to help.