Rock Box Theater is a music theater in a small town called, Fredericksburg, Texas. It is a small town located in the north of San Antonio and west of Austin. During our visit in Texas with my husband’s mom and step-dad, they took us to Fredericksburg one day for a show at the Rock Box Theater. We had a blast!
Rock Box music show plays different types of music each season. When we went to the show at Rock Box at the end of June, the band played rock music from the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s with a Texas twist. The musicians in the band at Rock Box Theater all have amazing talent and beautiful voices. Even the talks between songs were full of humor and jokes which were hilarious and grabbed the heart of the audience.
Rock Box Theater invites a guest artist to each of their show. When we went to the show, Regie Hamm was the guest artist. Regie Hamm is the one who won the American Idol Songwriter 2008 out of 42,000 entries. You might recognize the song “The Time Of My Life” that David Cook sang which was written by Regie Hamm. His life story and journey as a singer songwriter is amazing and touching. Please check his biography here.
Our second child fell asleep towards the end of the first session probably because of the jet lag. Our first did great and enjoyed the whole show. Our #2 slept through the whole intermission when you can buy delicious warm home-made cookies in the lobby. She slept more than half of the second session which was too bad for her, but since she stayed very quiet, it made it easy for us parents.
If you have a chance to visit San Antonio or Austin and love music, you should consider going to a show at Rock Box Theater in Fredericksburg, Texas. The town is adorable and relaxing and you will find cute stores to shop there as well.
109 N Llano Street
Fredericksburg, TX 78624
For Tickets
ロックボックスシアターは、毎回のショーにゲストアーチストを招待します。私たちが行った時は、レジー・ハムが招待され、演奏しました。レジー・ハムは、アメリカの人気タレントコンテストであるアメリカンアイドルの2008年のシンガーソングライター部門でグランプリを取りました。アメリカンアイドルの歌手部門でグランプリに輝いたデイビッド・クックが歌った「The Time Of My Life」という歌に聞き覚えがある方も居るかもしれません。レジー・ハムがどうやって現在の彼に至ったかの生い立ちは、とても感動的です。英語なのですが、興味がある方は、彼の経歴をこちらで読んでみて下さい。
109 N Llano Street
Fredericksburg, TX 78624
For Tickets
I love the picture of your daughter sleeping! =)