My husband and I like to go to a restaurant for a weekend breakfast/brunch. These are the photos my older daughter took when we went to one of our favorite restaurants in Jakarta, KOI Restaurant and Gallery in Kemang. My daughter inherited my old camera, Canon PowerShot S3 IS. I love that she likes to take photos. She took photos of me with a prego belly which are rare since I am usually not in photos these days. My husband took photos of my belly with our first pregnancy in Senegal, West Africa, and my photographer friend, Meredith, took my pregnancy photos in Okinawa, Japan, during my second pregnancy, but the third time around (I can’t believe that I’m pregnant for the third time!), I have not had many of my pregnancy photos taken. It’s not intentional. It’s simply because it’s been rough being pregnant. I am happy that my daughter took my photos though. This bump was taken at 28 weeks on December 18, 2011. My Japanese friends from Japan have always told me that I look huge, but the Americans, Europeans and Indonesians tell me the opposite. Interesting, isn’t it? Right now I am actually at 35 weeks. 5 more weeks to go. I’m definitely getting more excited! I will give you more update later.
夫と私は、週末に朝食またはブランチを食べに出かけるのが好きです。この記事の写真は、私たちがジャカルタでお気に入りのレストランでクマンにあるKOIで、長女が撮影しました。長女は、私が以前使っていた古いキャノンのPowerShot S3 ISを使っています。写真に興味を持ってくれて嬉しい限りです。最初の妊娠の時は夫が写真を撮ってくれ、2回目の妊娠の時は友人でカメラマンのメレディスが妊娠の写真を撮影してくれました。でも今回、3回目の妊娠(自分でも信じられない…)では、あまり私の妊娠中の写真がありません。わざと撮影しなかった訳では無く、単に今回の妊娠では体力的に大変だったからなのですが。この写真は、12月18日、28週の時に撮影されました。純日本人の人が私のお腹を見ると、必ず大きいと言われるのですが、西洋人(アメリカやヨーロッパ)やインドネシア人には逆に小さいって言われます。面白いですね。現在は実は35週になります。また近況は他のポストでお知らせします。
Candid photo taken by my daughter from the car.
Well, I think you look great, big or small belly…. Can’t wait for the 5 weeks to go by and meet the new little baby!
Thanks! I hope I can keep this baby inside for 5 more weeks!!