I have passed by Cottonworld many times, but I never thought to stop by. Then a couple of months ago my friend was wearing a very cute shirt, so I asked where she bought it (Not that I mean to copy my friend, but I like to ask) and she told me that she got it at Cottonworld. I went to the shop with my friend the other day since we had some time and it just happened that Cottonworld was having a sale. Cottonworld apparently delivers, too. It says free delivery on the Cottonworld’s website. I assume that the free delivery in India only. Please check their website for the timing of their sale as well as delivery details. I also bought two pairs of Capri pants in pastel colors which are very comfortable and I love and some shirts for my family. Cottonworld has a ton of very cute modern design clothes with very reasonable prices. I am a fan of Cottonworld now.
Pretty baju and is that a moustache on your necklace? It’s so cute!
Thank you! Yes, it is a mustache on my necklace! I love it!
I like Indian textile, the best in the world. Thank you for the link)) im checking it now
I love Indian textile, too! Enjoy shopping! I hope you’ll find something you like!
I found, but prob with delivery
I see. I guess they don’t deliver to locations outside of India. I’m sorry!!
Hi Kaho, I nominated you for a Liebster award, if you wish to participate you can see the instructions in this link: http://anewlifewandering.com/2014/02/05/liebster-award-no-2/
Thank you, Mani! I replied to your post. I appreciate your nomination and I apologize that I am not able to take the baton to participate.
You are really my India fashion guru! Cute shirt, really suits you. I will have to check this place out.
Mango Lassie, that is so sweet of you to say that! You made me happy!