My friend, Ana of Stumble Abroad, is like a professional party planner. She planned a Nautical Birthday Party for her son all by herself. Ana is a very intelligent woman who used to have a prestigious job with an International organization, but she quit her job in order to become a trailing spouse and now to raise her children. She’s a dedicated mom. I think she’s talented and has a vision for design. She could probably go back to what she did before, but I think she should pursue her talent with design. You can also see her party design in a Black & White Sip ‘N See she planned for my son.
友人でブログStumble Abroad(海外での遭遇)の著者のアナは、息子さんのために航海(Nautical)をテーマにした誕生日パーティーを開きました。彼女はまるでプロのパーティープランナーの様だと感じます。アナは、とても頭が良く、以前国際機関で働いていたキャリアウーマンなのですが、旦那様の海外駐在に伴い仕事を辞め、現在はお子さんを育てるために専業主婦をしています。彼女は子育てに熱心なお母さんです。アナはデザインに対する才能があるので、以前やっていた仕事に戻ろうと思えばきっと戻れる器量がある人なのですが、デザイン関係の仕事に進んだら良いのでは、なんて個人的には思います。アナが私の息子の出産お祝いもかねて開いてくれたBlack & White Sip ‘N See(赤ちゃんお披露目パーティーで黒と白のテーマ)というパーティーも彼女がデザインし開いてくれました。
Ana recently posted about her Nautical Birthday Party on her own blog. You can see her photos and read about how she created the Nautical Birthday Party there. Ana writes about her adventures through living overseas on her blog, Stumble Abroad. She’s also a good cook and you can find her recipes on her blog as well.
アナも最近航海をテーマにした誕生日パーティーに関する記事をブログに掲載しました。彼女と旦那さんがどのようにしてパーティーをプランしたかを垣間みる事が出来ます。アナはメキシコ出身なのですが(それなので当然ですがスペイン語が話せて、羨ましい〜)、彼女自身の仕事と旦那様の仕事で海外生活も長く経験しています。アナのブログStumble Abroad(海外での遭遇)では、彼女の家族の海外生活が紹介されています。彼女はとてもお料理が上手なので、レシピも時々掲載していますよ。
Thanks for posting this Kaho, for the gorgeous pics and thanks for coming to Joshua’s party! Big hugs to you and your little monkeys!
Pleasure is all mine!
Wow she is clearly a very talented lady. I am SO impressed it looks so cool. If she has gone to this much effort for a 1st birthday can I be on the list for the 21st? Great vision.
I agree. My policy is that I don’t give a birthday party until my kids turn 4. I will do it when my kids can sort of remember although my friends have said to me that my older ones would probably enjoy planning for our baby son’s birthday party. We’ll see…
She’s definitely too talented to be just a mom!! Simply impressive.
Yeah? She’s pretty cool.
That is an amazing event and has been done which so much love, which is probably the main thing about it. But yes, I would love to see too with what she is coming up when her son grows up!
Have just found you through bye:-)
Yes. I agree. Definitely done with much love for sure.
It really was awesome! Professional indeed! I was telling here it can be her alternative career in the future =P
Right? I agree.