From the left Meredith, Alex (front), Stephanie (back), & Sunita
Meeting Stephanie of iSanctuary
Some of you probably already know that I am a big fan of iSanctuary. Since my first post on iSanctuary, I have worn iSanctuary jewelry on 7 posts. I added a list of my styling with iSanctuary jewelry (I’d love it!) on this post. Please scroll down to the bottom to see the list if you are so inclined! Thank you!
I first learned about iSanctuary when I saw an iSanctuary vendor booth at a German Christmas event at the Turf Club in Mumbai in December 2013. Alex, the manager with iSanctuary in Mumbai, was at the booth and I asked her who designed the jewelry for iSanctuary because I recognized that the design was different from what I typically see in Mumbai and I could tell that it had a Western touch. She told me briefly about iSanctuary and Stephanie. Ever since then I have desired to meet Stephanie, the founder and designer of iSanctuary jewelry. She totally inspired me.
Meeting Stephanie, the founder of iSanctuary, was realized thanks to a great help from Alex, the day I met Stephanie came exactly 2 weeks ago. I had been so looking forward to this day. When I first met Stephanie, I thought she was even more beautiful in person, as friendly as I imagined and much cooler than I had expected. She has a great sense of humor and wherever she was, there was energy and laughter. She brightened the room with her presence. As a person, I thought that she was down to earth, humble, personable, funny, and fun to talk to.
Stephanie’s Footsteps To iSanctuary
I asked Stephanie how she started the organization. As you can also read in Founder’s Bio under About on iSanctuary’s website, she told me about the magazine article that changed her. The article was about Maiti Nepal by Anuradha on a Marie Claire magazine she read in 2003. After reading the article about human trafficking in India, Stephanie felt the need to go to India. She didn’t know how at the time, but several months later she learned that her church was taking a group to India, so she signed up for the trip. She made her way to India and then eventually she found a volunteer position with a local NGO and lived in a small village in Andhra Pradesh for a year. After that, she moved to Mumbai and contacted International Justice Mission to see how she could help the trafficked women.
She went to foster homes to see if she could buy some items made by the survivors and sell them in the U.S., but she did not find the items that would be sellable for the U.S. market. Then, she thought that she could teach those survivors of human trafficking and make something that she could sell in the U.S. The answer to her was jewelry.
Stephanie taught how to make jewelry designed by her to the survivors of human trafficking not only to bring awareness of human trafficking to the world, but also to train them to be marketable for a job market in the future. The key to her success to me is that she put an emphasis on the design and she has an eye for design with a great sense of business. When you go to developing countries, you can find craftsmanship, but often times they lack of the trendy aspect in their designs. When I live overseas and shop locally, I find myself often attracted to locally crafted products made with the design from Europe or the U.S. or who studied design in these regions.
When Stephanie was telling me about how she came to India, she said “I was naive.” She came to India with her passion and determination to pursue her mission without having done much research on how to realize it in India. I would say she was courageous. Sometimes people need to jump into what they dream of doing. I, however, recognize that she’s quite smart. It might look like she just threw herself into this, but she knew what kind of choices to make and certainly knew how to start up an organization and business in India on her own. Having lived in India for 8 months, I can tell you that what she has done is hands-down amazing. It is not something that everyone can do. She’s one impressive woman for sure.
私は彼女にどのようにしてiSanctuaryが始まったのか訊いてみました。Founder’s Bio「創設者の経歴」で書いてあるように、ある雑誌の記事との出会いが彼女を変えたと教えてくれました。Marie Claireに載ったその記事は、Anuradhaによって書かれたMaiti Nepalについての記事でした。人身売買に関する記事を読んだ後、ステファニーはインドへ行く必要性を感じました。でも、その当時はどうやってインドへ行ったら良いのか分かりませんでした。数ヶ月後、彼女の通う教会がインドへグループを遠征することが分かり、その旅行に参加することにしました。彼女はインドへ渡り、その後現地の非営利団体での仕事を見つけ、アーンドラ・プラデーシュ州の小さな町に一年間滞在しました。その後、彼女はムンバイへと移り、International Justice Mission(アメリカを本拠地とする人権問題を扱う非営利団体。世界の至る国で、人権乱用の被害者となった人たちを救う活動を行っている。)にコンタクトを取り、人身売買の被害者になった女性達をどのようにして助けられるかを調べてみました。
She served me some chai as it was an afternoon chai time in India. Then she surprised me with a gorgeous necklace she just asked her helpers to make for me. Isn’t this so sweet? I was so smitten by it!
Stephanie, thank you very very much for your time to meet with me during your time in Mumbai and for the lovely necklace you gave me. I have been wearing it along with my other favorites from iSanctuary store. Please keep up your wonderful work.
Stephanie, Alex and Meredith
Thank you Stephanie, Alex and Meredith for your time! I’m sorry that Stephanie and Alex are blurry! My bad!!
For those who are curious about jewelry by iSanctuary, you can browse and shop for their jewelry pieces on iSanctuary online shop. I love how reasonable their prices are. As a mom, a budget for my fashion is limited and I love how I can afford fashionable iSanctuary jewelry!!
iSacntuary for Mumbaikars
iSanctuary jewelry is available at The Yoga House (at their new location)!
This is to show how obsessed I have been. Here are the Monday Mode posts where I styled my outfits with iSanctuary jewelry.
*You can find all my fashion posts under the FASHION tab.
Monday Mode ☆ Mango Shirt, Gap Green Pants & iSanctuary Jewelry + Technical Difficulty with a Camera Remote Control
Monday Mode ☆ Neon Yellow Maxi Dress & Leather Bag by MANGO
Monday Mode ☆ Black & White Polka Dot Shirt
Monday Mode ☆ Stripe Shirt & Maxi Skirt
Monday Mode ☆ iSanctuary Turquoise Choti (braided) Necklace With Zara white shirt & two kinds of jeans
Monday Mode ☆ Styling with scarves
Monday Mode ☆ Cottonworld Blue Shirt
Lovely post, Kaho! That’s amazing that you were able to meet such an inspiring person. And they really do have such beautiful pieces! Not to mention a wonderful cause 🙂
Thanks, Miwa! Sometimes I think there are things expats in a hardship post like here in India can do which we can’t do the same in the U.S., Japan or in countries in Europe.