shirt: Magnolia, shorts: OLD NAVY
With Cargo Pants
cargo pants: OLD NAVY
With Stripe Bermuda Shorts
shorts: GAP
MAGNOLIA is one of my favorite clothing brand I find in Jakarta Indonesia. MAGNOLIA is an Indonesian brand as far as I know. It’s like H&M or Forever 21 in terms of design and pricing. The collection is much much smaller than what you can find at H&M, but it’s comparable. By the way, Forever 21 here is different from Forever 21 in the States. The pricing is much more upscale at Forever 21 in Jakarta. If Forever 21 USA is Old Navy, Forever 21 Indonesia is like GAP.
I like this shirt because of the unique design and beautiful color. I already have a lot of gray clothes, so new or different colors from gray are always refreshing and welcome to add to my small wardrobe. I like the flare in the front. It’s girly, but it’s not too sweet, which I like. I combined different bottoms.
I found MAGNOLIA at Gandaria City Mall in Jakarta, a new mall that opened not too long ago. Gandaria City Mall is my new favorite. It’s brand new, not as crowded as other malls, and has more approachable shops compared to some fancy malls. I haven’t spent much time there yet, but last time I was at Gandaria City, I saw that they also have Lollipops, an indoor playground, and the very cool and stylish looking food court is on the same floor as Lollipops. I am itching to go back there.
Where To Find Magnolia In Jakarta
Senayan City
Gandaria City Mall
Pondok Indah Mall
マグノリアは、私が好きなインドネシアブランドです。値段とデザインで言うと、スウェーデンのH&MとかアメリカのForever 21みたいな感じ。ちなみに、インドネシアのForever 21は、アメリカのForever 21と違い、値段が高めに設定されているんですよ。
Looks GREAT on you!!! love it!!!
You look gorgeous in that blouse….love it.. especially with the shorts
Love that top…the color, the ruffles…everything about it! Pretty!
nice post darling. i think i like the first look the most.
hope you’re having a good week so far
It suits you extremely well Kaho! I would vote for the white pants to match this top if asked 😉
Hehe… good buy!