I had a pleasure working with a team of editors and photographers for a photo shoot of my house for Livingetc Indonesia. The editor, Atri, found my blog, contacted me and we met once a couple of weeks ago. From there, we’ve made an appointment for a photo shoot and it actually happened last week. We spent nearly 3-4 hours styling, shooting, fixing and more shooting. It was my first time to have any type of professional shooting of my home and it was a great learning and hands-on experience for me. It was very interesting to me to observe editors and photographer style each room to make it look very lived in as opposed to cleaning up to make it look like a model home.
The opportunity came probably because I live abroad. Not just any country, but a city like Jakarta where expats are given more opportunities than they are at home. Do I think I would’ve had the same opportunity if I were home in Tokyo or had I lived in the U.S. or even Europe? I doubt it.
I have never imagined that my home would be a material worth to be featured on a magazine, either. It could have been you if you had a blog with your home photos posted on your blog (and live in Jakarta). I have seen so many other amazing homes that my friends decorated that I truly feel humbled. I was simply lucky to be found by a senior editor, Atri. Thank you, Atri! It was very surprising and flattering when she asked me about Livingetc featuring our home and I was honored. I still can’t believe that my home will be in print. Probably I won’t believe it until I actually see the photos in a Livingetc Indonesia magazine.
自分の家が雑誌のために撮影されるなど、夢にも思った事は無かったです。ブログがあって、ブログに自宅の部屋の写真を載せていたら(そしてジャカルタ在住だったら)、これを読んでいる貴方が私の代わりに選ばれても全くおかしくないと思いますよ。私の家なんかよりももっと素敵に飾られている友人の家を沢山見て知っているで、私のこんな家を褒めていただけるのはなんとも恐縮です。編集長のアトリにブログを見つけていただけて、気に入って貰えたというのは、非常にラッキーな事でした。アトリ、ありがとう!アトリにLivingetc インドネシアに家の写真を載せても良いかと訊かれた時は、驚きとともにとても嬉しく、また光栄でした。まだ自分の家の写真が本当に印刷されるなんて信じられない。多分、Livingetcインドネシアの雑誌を手に取って、実際に写真を見るまでは信じられないだろうな。
I am SO PROUD of you!!!
It seems like blogging opened so many doors for you. This is GREAT!!
I can’t wait to see the actual article!!
Kaho, this is awesome! Congrats and I can’t wait to see the final photos- I hope you can post them here!
I will! Thanks!!!
Oh how exciting! Congratulations! I can’t wait to see the pics!
Way to go Kaho… love to see Y there… 🙂
Will your face also be featured in the magazine ?? Please post the final result on the magazine into this blog 🙂
Thanks! I will!! It will be a teeny-tiny photo of me if there will be one. Just guessing. 😀
Wow kaho what a wonderful experience. Aside from luck, you are amazing at styling your home. You know how to make the most of what you’ve got. And you know that I’ve always admired your sense of style! Go you!! =)
congrats on the feature of your lovely home, kaho. i like that you’re sharing behind the scenes photos so we can see. 🙂
Kaho, omedetou!!!
That is amazing. And I agree with the Diplo Wife – you’ve got very strong sense of style and design, hence they picked you!
Wow, I didn’t even know LivingETC has an Indonesian version, this is very exciting. I cannot wait to see the print version. Imma have to ask my brother to buy me the issue! When is it going live?
P.S. Thanks for sharing – it sounded like a super fun experience.
Thank you! I appreciate your heartwarming message! Yes, Livingetc Indonesia is really cool!!!! It has gorgeous photos. You’ll love it. Especially houses in Bali that they feature are amazing. Definitely must read magazine for interior design lovers. You can see why Indonesians have wonderful aesthetics through seeing this magazine. I was told that the photos we took will be printed in the next issue which should be out at the beginning of June.
Oh wow Kaho!! What an exciting experience for you. Your home is lovely and all the shots look great.
Ahaha!! I can see me! :p
Had a wonderful time taking pictures of your home, hope you’ll like the article when it comes out 😉
Hi Kaho!
How are you? ゆうきです。(Kiki now…気づいたか分からないけれど 🙂 ) Congratulations on an incredible feature! This is amazing news, and I’m celebrating with you in spirit ♪ It’s been so inspiring watching you and your blog really sparkle. We’ll have so much to talk about when we see each other next, on whichever continent it may be. Please, please keep up the great work, though I don’t even know how you’re raising two little girls too. Amazing mama.
Talk soon!
Kiki! I recognized your photo!! It’s so wonderful to see you here!! Thank you for the sweet words… They mean a lot to me! I hope my blog is sparkling! I simply got very lucky. It’s hard to keep up, but we’ll see how I can keep posting the rest of the year. It looks like it’s going to be crazy busy!!
P.S. My link sends you to an unfinished site…please don’t mind that. 🙂 See, I can really learn a thing or two and get all this figured out.
I want to live in a home like yours……gorgeous 🙂 Congrats on the photo shoot. I learnt quite a bit about shooting photos and making a room more lived in with just 1 or 2 small items…very cool!