I have been absent from the blog world for a while. Normally it’s hard for me to blog when I am on vacation visiting our families in the U.S. and Japan not to mention dealing with a jet-lag at the beginning. Even after getting adjusted, I feel tired by the end of the day taking care of my kids. At the same time I am trying to live in the moment and enjoy my family’s company as opposed to facing my computer working on my blogging hobby so that I can keep up with my posts. It’s hard enough to find the time for myself in the first place when I’m home since I do normal chores that many women in Japan and the U.S. do at home such as laundry, grocery shopping, and dishes. I recognize how fortunate I am to be able to afford a help at home in India.
I have done a collaboration with Le Petit Society before here a little over a year ago in Jakarta thanks to my blogger friend Erica of That Wild Road. I love their outfits on my son! The shirts got too small on my son, but he can still wear the sorts, so he still wears them to this day!
I had another wonderful opportunity to collaborate with Le Petit Society this summer and received some beautiful items from the new Safari Collection at Le Petit Society. All three of my kids were really happy in their brand new outfits and it made me happy to see them in such cute outfits. This time I even received a few items for myself! One of them which I wore for this post is a cool rhino shirt that matches with my son’s! Thank you, Le Petit Society!!!
一年ちょっと前のまだジャカルタに住んでいた時、ブログの友人でThat Wild Roadの著者のエリカのお陰で、Le Petit Society(ル・プティ・ソサエティー)とコラボをさせていただきました。そのコラボ記事はこちら。その時、息子がとっても可愛い洋服を頂きました!シャツは残念ながら小さくなってしまったのですが、まだショートパンツは入るので、今でも愛用しています。
今年の夏、再びLe Petit Societyとコラボをさせていただく機会に恵まれ、Le Petit Societyのサファリ・コレクションから可愛い洋服を頂きました。子供たちは可愛い洋服に大喜び。そんな子供たちを見れた私もとても幸せな気持ちになりました。今回は、有り難いことに私も2点洋服を頂いてしまいました。その一点は、こちらの記事の写真でお見せしている、息子とお揃いのサイのシャツです。Le Petit Society、ありがとう!
Please click here for their online catalogues. For the customers who live in Asian countries that are listed here on the Le Petit Society website, you get a free standard shipping if you spend more than HK$1,200 (US$155)!
I love these!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for visiting and the comment, Cindy!
It’s so nice to see what you’ve been up to! It must be great to be able to spend such quality time in both the US and Japan. Beautiful photos, as always. And seriously, you do not look like a mother of three! And Le Petit Society has such adorable clothes! I love the matching rhino shirts 🙂
By the way, my sisters and I have decided that we won’t be posting much more on our shared blog, but since I do love blogging as a hobby, I’ve started my own blog on WordPress (the link should be in my profile). If you’re ever bored, drop by for a visit! I’d love to hear from you 🙂
Enjoy the rest of your vacation!
Miwa, thank you for the comment! I love hearing from you! I will come visit your blog right away!! Thanks for letting me know!
Kaho Sweetie,
The kids are beautiful and so grownup. I can’t believe how long it’s been since I’ve seen you.
Sure do miss you. Hope you are all well. Should you get to LA make sure you let me know!
Susie! So lovely to see you here! Thanks for the comment!! We’re doing great. Yes, the kids have grown up so much!
I cannot get over how grown your kids look. Your daughters are beautiful young ladies now and your son such a handsome boy. I can’t believe that the last time I saw him he was so tiny. I love your matching rhino shirts by the way. =D
They grow up fast even to me as a parent! I know he’s no longer a little baby! Thanks for the comment!!