The other day I had a play date with my two girl friends in Jakarta, Erica of That Wild Road and Ana of Stumble Abroad. It was a play date with a fashion value added where all of our kids wore Le Petit Society clothes. Thanks to Erica and Le Petit Society, my baby son received a couple of really adorable outfits as a gift. Lucky boy! Thank you, Erica and Le Petit Society! The best part to me was that this gave me an excuse to see my two lovely girl friends, dress up my baby boy in adorable clothing, and take photos of the cute kids playing. That’s like a candy to me.
Oh yes, by the way, I gave my son a haircut. Can you tell the amateur look…?
先日、ジャカルタで2人のお友達、That Wild RoadのエリカとStumble Abroadのアナとプレイデートをしました。エリカとLe Petit Society(ル・プティ・ソサエティー)のお陰で、息子はとても可愛いお洋服を贈り物として頂いちゃいました。有り難いです。エリカとLe Petit Society、どうもありがとう!私にとってもっと嬉しかったのは、2人のお友達とプレイデートをする口実ができた事、息子に可愛い服を着せられた事、そして子供達が遊ぶ可愛い姿を写真に撮る事が出来た事です。私には嬉しい甘い出来事でした。
If you are interested in learning more about Le Petit Society, please scroll down.
Le Petit Societyについて興味がある方は、下の方までどうぞ。
That Wild Road
I found Erica’s blog through Little Steps Asia. I was attracted to her blog because she was an expat blogger in Jakarta just like me. As soon as I entered her blog, I fell in love with Erica’s breath-taking photos which she takes in Jakarta and I was sucked into her world of beauty. I’ve been fortunate to have opportunities to get to know her in Jakarta.
エリカの事は、Little Steps Asiaというサイトを通して知りました。彼女は私と同じようにジャカルタに住む駐在員で、しかもブログをしているというところに惹かれました。彼女のブログに行き、ジャカルタで撮る彼女の写真の虜になり、エリカの素敵な世界に引き込まれました。ジャカルタに居たお陰で、彼女とお友達になれる機会に恵まれました。
Stumble Abroad
Ana is a talented friend of mine with amazing eye for design. I have had prestige to witness her stunning birthday parties for her sons. Here are the posts for Nautical Birthday Party and Space Birthday Party. We both were pregnant at the same time in 2011 and now we have boys of the same age. She’s been a wonderful friend and a blogger buddy to me in Jakarta. Here is Ana’s “{Review} Le Petit Society”.
アナは、デザインセンス抜群のとても才能を持つ友人です。ジャカルタ在住中、彼女が息子さん2人のために開いたお誕生日パーティーを実際に見る機会に恵まれました。以下が彼女の誕生日パーティーのブログの記事になります。航海がテーマのパーティー and 宇宙がテーマのパーティー。彼女も私も2011年に妊娠しており、今は同い年になる息子がいます。ジャカルタでのとても素敵なお友達であり、ブログ仲間でもあります。こちらがアナのブログに掲載された“{Review} Le Petit Society”。
Le Petit Society
Le Petit Socity is a babies and kids clothing brand found by two Singaporeans who base their business in Hong Kong: Robyn Liang and Dylan Onga. Le Petit Socity is a harbinger in kids fashion based in Asia who aims to be the brand that is trendy, chic, and fun to wear with European quality and more importantly, approachable prices. Great news for those who live in Asia is that shipping within Asia is free! (Le Petit Society Shipping Information)
Happy Shopping!
ル・プティ・ソサエティーは、ベビー服とキッズ服のブランドで、香港をベースにする2人のシンガポール人、ロビン・リアンとディラン・オンガによって創立されました。ル・プティ・ソサエティーは、質はヨーロッパ並みでも値段はお手頃で、デザインはトレンディーで、シックで、ポップな服を目指すアジアベースのキッズファッション業界の先駆者です。アジア在住の人に嬉しいのは、アジア圏内の郵送料が無料ということ。(詳しくはLe Petit Society Shipping Informationまで)
The kids look fab! They make the outfits look so fun as well!! Thanks for the write-up! xx
You’re welcome!!! I’m very glad you liked it!
yaya! so much fun! and so many hugs! stella was talking about “baby y” for ages!
Thanks for all your work! Stella is so adorable! I love the photos of them together.
They’re so adorable, I’m going to die! 🙂
I wish I were there to take photos. ^_^
Thanks! You would’ve taken much better photos than I did!!
Cute pics Kaho! I didn’t get any of the three playing!!!! Oh well, they are stunning! XOXO!
Thanks, Ana!! I thought they were adorable together, too.
Nah. Your photos are great.
Anyway, when are you leaving? I’m sorry I missed out on the last bloggers’ meet at Koiu because I had a tummy bug (I seem to have this often here).
Thanks for your sweet words!! Hearing them from a fabulous talented photographer like you means a to me.
We’re leaving in a couple of weeks. Eeeeek!!! I was bummed that I didn’t get to see you!