Do you know that there are Kedaung Outlet stores all over Jakarta? To learn more about Kedaung, click here. According to the website, the Kedaung Group is one of the largest manufacturers of glassware in the world. The outlet stores in Jakarta have plates, glasses, mugs, tea sets and more with great discount prices. For example, a small water pitcher in the photo is IDR 18,500 ($2.00), a small jar is IDR 8,500 ($1.00), and bigger size glass jars are somewhere between IDR 20,000 and IDR 30,000 ($2-$3.5). Their quality is pretty good and yet inexpensive, which I find not easy to find in Jakarta. I didn’t know Kedaung Outlets until my friend told me about it recently after having lived in Jakarta for over a year and I was excited to learn about the store! I was even surprised to see glass jars with such great prices which I have not been able to find in Jakarta. I have not been able to find cheap candles in Jakarta, but at this store candles are sold with very reasonable prices for the Jakarta standard. There are many locations in Jakarta.
Kedaung Kemang
Jl. Kemang Selatan VIII Bl C4 No. 2
Phone: (021) 7179-0208
Fax: (021) 7179-0708
Hours: 10:00 – 18:00
It’s on the same street as Cayenne.
I know that it’s already Saturday, but I needed to post this article because otherwise it keeps getting delayed and I would never post this. I wanted to tell you about this store because I think you would love to check it out if you live in Jakarta.
What a treasure trove Kedaung Housewares Outlet is. I would totally go crazy with all of those plates.
Nice finds Kaho. I knew Kedaug group since 90s and they are famous of those plates and stuffs but I really don’t know that the design are really improved (judging from the photos that you posted). Lovely!
Kedaung carry one of my favorite Indonesian brands “Tulisan” tea sets. They are not always there, but when they do and the tea sets are on sale, they are great buy.
Which location are these pictures taken at… ? We live in Cilandak– do you think the Kemang location would be closest to Cilandak? I am hopeful these pictures were taken at the Kemang location as it looks very well stocked… thanks for the posting I’m excited to goto Kedaung!
Hi! Yes, it is in Kemang. However, I heard that the Kemang store is the smallest. It is close from Cilandak, so you might want to check it out there. I will look for a business card and try to put the addresses of the locations when I find the time. 🙂
Hi Kaho,
Goodness! I’m an Indonesia and have been living here for several years after living in Houston, Texas for college and work, and I have no idea about this! Thank you for sharing! I love chinas and candles, so I’d definitely love this store!
VIsit me:
LeeAnne, Style N Season
You’re welcome!! It is a great store and I love their products!!
I absolutely love kedaung. You are so right – it’s where to buy cheap(er) glass products in Jakarta. (I still don’t understand why they can be so expensive here and be cheap in other countries) Have you tried going to Kedaung in Senopati it is so much bigger and they have more variety of items. =)
I really need to get out to Senopati!! I hear that Kedaung in Kemang is the smallest. I agree with you. It is a mystery. It’s almost items are reverse imported and have extra prices on them. I appreciate the prices Kedaung offer.
IKR?!? Lemme know when you wanna go to Senopati – let’s go together. I think it’s time for another DW and Kaho adventure! =)
That’s right! That will be fun!
ada jual pajangan kuda unicorn gak..?
bisa minta alamat dimana n nomor telepon trmksh
Saya tamba informasinya di dalam blog post. Terima kasih.
Dimana toko kedaung lainnya, yang ada di Jakarta Pusat. THANK YOU.
Terima kasih untuk menemukan situs web saya.
Saya cek link yang saya pakeh dalam posting saya. Itu tidak jalan. Maaf. Saya tidak tahu mengapa.
Saya bukan Kedaung dan saya tidak bekerja untuk Kedaung, tetapi di sini informasi yang saya menemukan di halaman Kedaung Facebook.
Kedaung KALIANGKE (021-54373121), Kedaung MENTENG (021-3905275), Kedaung KEMANG (021-71790208), Kedaung RADEN SALEH (021-39837403), Kedaung SEMARANG (024-8314923), Kedaung BINTARO (021-73881515), Kedaung YOGYA (0274-488591), Kedaung SENOPATI (021-5204170)
Silakan hubungi toko tentang lokasi mereka. Terima kasi!
hi, nice to meet you Kaho! I love your posts and family.. sooo beautiful. I have been searching for dinnerware set outlet and stuck on your post.. thanks anyway for the perfect info :*
Hi! Thank you for finding me! I hope you find my information helpful! I miss the outlet shopping in Jakarta. You should also check out Dewi & Fatma! They are pretty good, too!
yes I will!! 😀 I like to collect homeware and kitchenware also. such women thingsss hahaa ^,^
It’s so much fun to collect kitchenware, isn’t it?
yes, because I like cooking.. (but still indonesian food) hahahaa
btw your girls are sooooooooooooo cute! and their mama also! I like to see your post about your clothes too 🙂 inspired! 😀
Wita, thank you for an encouraging comment! Your comment gave me motivation to try and get my fashion post up again soon.
you’re more than welcome 😉 I will check out your latest fashion hihihi. even though we already have kids and take care family, it doesn’t mean that we are out of date fashion style, does it? keep your hot mama style ^,^
Thank you! I know many stylish moms who inspire me! Fashion has no boundaries!
masih da toples raden gax?