green shirt: Gymboree, hat: Gymboree, shorts, Gymboree, silver sandals: Target, white dress: Old Navy, sandals: Old Navy
I got their outfits on sale this past summer in the States during our home leave. I like the matching shorts and hat. She actually has the same animal print tank top as well, but it is still a bit too big on her. I purchased her sandals at Target and I just love them. They were about $13 if I remember correctly. My Younger one is wearing a cream color dress with gray and gold flowers. The sandals were about $15 at Old Navy. I’m a sucker for shoes or sandals with flowers. I took these photos in Bali. I still have a few more posts to go from Japan and I’ll be finally back in Indonesia on my blog!!! It’s been a long time!
They are also my favorite stores I miss most….as you may already know.
Looking forward to more pictures from Bali!
Ahhhhhh I love that mirror – and I instinctively could tell that it’s Balinese!
And btw, your beautiful gals rocked those cool hats~
You could tell it was Balinese? Cool! Bali has its own beautiful style and I love seeing that.