I was invited to do a guest post for a column “My Asia” on a blog Notabilia, a blogger from New York living in Singapore who writes about literature, art, independent design, creative people, pretty things, and regional travel. It was posted this past Tuesday. Yay! To see the guest post, click here.
I have gotten to know Notabilia through an online blog course, Blogging Your Way, I took last year. There were many students who took the course at the same time, but what caught my attention about her was that she was American moving to Singapore where I spent my high school years. Also she is now an expat in Southeast Asia and so am I.
She’s a writer and you can see that in her beautiful writing on her blog. I always enjoy reading about Singapore through other people’s experiences as I have a special place in my heart for the country after having lived there for 3 years. Do pay a visit to her blog!
Blogging Your Way
The course is taught by Holly Becker, the founder of decor8 and Leslie Shewring, the author of A Creative Mint. I am a fan of their blogs, too. A new course will start from this Friday, October 7, 2011 and the class will end on November 7, 2011. If you are interested to take a course, hurry and register here on their website. I learned a ton from the course. The lessons I learned, the knowledge and skills I gained and the vision for the blog I’ve formed through the course are invaluable.
Notabiliaを知ったきっかけは、Blogging Your Wayという、去年私が受けたオンラインのブログコースを通してです。同時に受けた生徒は多かったのですが、その中でニューヨークからシンガポールという私が高校時代3年間を過ごした国へ引っ越すということ、彼女は東南アジアで過ごす外国人であり、私も同じ境遇にあることから、彼女のブログに興味を持ちました。
Blogging Your Way
decor8というインテリアが好きな人なら必ず好きになるブログの設立者であるホリー・ベッカーと、 A Creative Mintという、可愛い文房具や紙のクラフトが好きな人が大好きになるブログを書いているレスリー・シューリングが講師をするブログの書き方を習うコースです。全て英語で授業が行われます。オンラインなので、英語の会話に自信がなくても、彼女たちのようなブロガーになりたくて、もし英語の読み書きができ、聞き取りも大丈夫であれば、参加するととてもためになると思います。宿題では読む事、それからポッドキャストを聴くこともあり、内容はとても充実しています。実はもう一つのコースが明日10月7日から始まってしまいます。興味がある方は登録はこちら。
Bloggers Unite! 😀 Just read your post & it was great…everyone should definately visit all of those places 😉
It’s a beautiful post, K. I am so honored to feature it. Glad our paths crossed during BYW.
Thanks for sharing this! It’s nice to be nice to the nice!
Thanks, Savvy Sister!!!
Kaho san, I read the featured post and am very touched by your friendship among inspirational bloggers! Beautiful post. I wanted to try BYW and looked up; however, it was too late thT the class would start today and the registration closed:-( Maybe next year!
Bummer… I’m sorry about that!! I hope you can try the next one!
Ha! I knew it – another great opportunity coming up 🙂
You are just so talented! Love ya!
Thanks! Love ya back!
How nice! I’m definitely checking it out =D SIngapore is definitely a lovely place! =D