dress: BirdCage Restaurant Bazaar, scarves: Magnolia at Pondok Indah Mall, sandals: Nine West at Pondok Indah Mall
I purchased this gray dress at a BirdCage Bazaar. If you are interested in learning about their events, simply like their facebook fan page.
I asked the vendor at the BirdCage Bazaar if she had a store and she said some of the items she was selling were sold at Griya Astika Indonesia. Please refer to the information below.
STORE (dress)
Jl. Lamandau IV No. 18
Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta Selatan
This dress is wonderful because it is pretty and very comfortable. The dress only costs Rp. 150,000 (US$17). Good deal, right? Both of the scarves are from Magnolia. Gotta love that brand. If I remember correctly they are Rp. 75,000 (US$9) each. I couldn’t decide on a color and since they were very inexpensive, so I ended up buying both colors! Dangerous… They have been in use a lot though!! I bought this pair of black sandals at Nine West at Pondok Indah Mall 2. I should’ve known better since my feet are wide and the Nine West sandals I own hurt my feet. The store had a sale and this pair of sandals were 50% off. Could not pass them because of the good deal and they were cute, but they do hurt my feet…
このグレーのドレスは、可愛いだけでなく着心地も良いんですよ。ドレスは、Bird Cage(バードケージ、鳥かごという意味)というレストランでバザーが行われた時に見つけて買いました。Rp. 150,000(1500円位)でした。ベンダーさんにお店はどこにあるかと訊いた時、彼女の商品はGRIYA ASTIKA INDONESIAというお店でも扱っているとおっしゃっていました。上の情報を参照ください。スカーフは両方ともマグノリアで買いました。間違っていなければ、値段は75,000ルピア(750円)くらいだったのを覚えています。お値段がお手頃なので、グレーか白か決まらなかったのを言い訳に、両方買っちゃいました。活躍してくれています。サンダルはポンドックインダモール2のナインウェストで買いました。私の足は幅が広いため、既に持っているナインウェストのサンダルを履くと足が痛くなるというのを知っていたのですが、セールで50%オフだったし、可愛いので、妥協をして買ってしまいました。でもやはりちょっと痛いかも。
Other posts on Magnolia
Indonesian Fashion Brand Magnolia
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None of them looks so inexpensive, Kaho! Great pick!!
I love love love that dress! Especially dressed up with a scarf – it’s so my style 🙂
you always find great deals! and the dress looks expensive. I like the scarves, both of them. ouch sorry about your feet.
I love all the green plants in the background.
You look so ethereal with the outfit Kaho! And what a great deal on the dress! I love magnolia too! I have to be more careful with them though because a gray top that I bought ruined my precious white FINO bag! Gaaaaah! It’s totally my fault though and I should have known better. My husband told me I could buy a new one when I go back to Manila. Yay!
Oh no!!! I’m so sorry to hear that! But, you can get a new one, that’s a good deal for you! 🙂