Hats purchased at cascade and the gray dressed purchased at Heritage. 帽子はキャスケード、グレーのドレスはヘリテージで購入。
Hi! I’m sorry for my posts being very sporadic. I wanted to do my Friday Finds post last Friday, but I didn’t get to it on time. I religiously posted everyday on my blog for a while until the summer break 2011 and now I can barely keep up with my blog. I will soon write about the reason or more like my excuse for my rather infrequent posting.
Bandung is well-known for its textile industry. I’m sure you have seen “Made in Indonesia” on labels of clothing items. They are most likely made in Bandung, Indonesia. There are many clothing companies that make products in Bandung and export to all over the world. Because of this, it is not surprising that there are many factory outlet stores in Bandung.
When you hear Factory Outlet, you might picture an outlet mall in the U.S., but the outlet shopping environment in Bandung is very different from that in the States. All the outlet stores have collections of items from different brands. It is more like going to Marshall’s or T.J.Maxx. It can be hit or miss whether you find something you like or not.
There are tons of stores in Bandung, but many of them have repeats. It can be overwhelming and there is no way you can go to all of them. I was fortunate to have a friend who lives there and can direct me to the good stores to check out, so I would like to share those stores with you because I believe this really helped me with my shopping.
There are two stores I was able to check out on Jalan Riau. Jl. Riau is one major street full of outlet stores. Cascade and Heritage are right next to each other and are connected inside, so it is very easy to go to both. I did most of the shopping for my kids at cascade and Heritage. I found the hats and a dress my older one is wearing and more at these stores.
Jl. Riau 65
Bandung, West Java
TEL: 022-426-7797
Jl. Riau 63
Bandung, West Java
Another place my friend introduced me was Rumah Mode. She says it was one of the most popular stores in Bandung and it was packed with customers. I highly recommend going to Rumah Mode. I found a few items I liked there and I thought that the selection was good. I went to Rumah Mode after Strawberry Picking as Rumah Mode was in the same area and on the way back to where we stayed.
Rumah Mode
Jl. Setiabudhi 41
TEL: 022-203-5498
I hope you’ll have a great week!
最近ブログのアップが不定期でごめんなさい。先週の金曜日に金曜日定例のFriday Findsでお店紹介したかったのですが、時間が取れませんでした。2011年の夏休み前までは頑張って毎日ブログをアップしていたのですが、夏休み後その緊張の凧の糸が切れたように更新が斑になってしまいました。そのうち、その理由、どちらかというと言い訳を書きたいと思います。
Jalan Riau(ジャラン・リアウ)という道があるのですが、軒並みにアウトレットのお店が並んでいます。その一角にある2店、cascade(キャスケード)と Heritage(ヘリテージ)へ行きました。そこで主に娘の服を買いました。私の買い物をするまでの時間が無かったのですが、大人のショッピングも良いみたいですよ。
Jl. Riau 65
Bandung, West Java
TEL: 022-426-7797
Jl. Riau 63
Bandung, West Java
そしてもう一カ所は「Rumah Mode(ルマ・モード)」(訳すとモードの家)。こちらは苺狩りをした後行きました。苺狩りをした場所と同じ地域にあることと、ちょうどホテルへの帰り道の途中だったので寄ってきました。友人曰く、ルマ・モードはとても人気なアウトレット店だとか。入るとお客さんでごった返していました。私は何着か好きな服を見つけて買いました。服のセレクションも結構良かったと感じます。バンドゥンではお勧めのアウトレットのお店です。
Rumah Mode
Jl. Setiabudhi 41
TEL: 022-203-5498
Oh ya, I remember Rumah Mode. It was quite big for an outlet, nice setup, but crazyyyy super duper packed.
Great pics, I miss Rumah Mode. You should stay in Padma Hotel in Bandung. They have the best hotel in town 😉 Alternatively, Hilton Hotel is also fantastic ^__^
We went to Padma Hotel for breakfast!!! The hotel was beautiful, the breakfast was good and it was inexpensive! The hotel rate is high for the Bandung standard, but I think it’s worth staying there especially if you have kids who can do the zip line. It looked fun.