Before I start, I need to break the awkward silence. I mean, figuratively speaking. Yes, I gained weight around my arms (everywhere else, too). S to the H to the I to the T. I started swimming again. However, only once a week. I don’t know if that contributed to my having bigger arms or it’s my aging process that helped the reshaping of my body. The purpose of posting these two photos above is to show how different these two looks appear just because of an additional cardigan. I’d like to cover my arms when I go outside. I do so in order to pay respect to the Muslim culture. I just don’t want to be disrespectful to my driver, so if I am wearing something that shows my shoulders, I try to put on a cardigan or something to cover my shoulders when getting in my car. (I hope you don’t take my saying “driver” as my being posh. All the expats hire a driver in Indonesia and it is a norm for foreigners here.)
Sorry for the long intro. Today I am writing about et cetera! I learned about the brand “et cetera” when I was checking out Gandaria City Mall, which recently opened (2011) near Pakubuwono area in Jakarta, Indonesia. I asked the et cetera store attendant where the brand is originally from and she told me that it is from a city “Bandung” which is a couple of hour drive from Jakarta. I looked up the website online, but I could not find any information about this particular “et cetera” brand from Indonesia. This raffle tank top was IDR 150,000 ($16) if I remember correctly.
I walked in this store and I immediately liked its style. The items I saw at the store reminded me of Ann Taylor LOFT if you know the brand from the U.S. Et cetera has clothing pieces that are a bit dressier than Magnolia, another Indonesian brand. The prices at et cetera are higher than Magnolia, but still very reasonable. The target audience for et cetera seems to me more professional women and the clothes I looked at would be great for business attire as well as little dressy everyday style. I like the colors they use as well. I purchased this shirt as I liked the color and design with the ruffles in the front. It can be used for a very casual style as well as for a dressier style depending on the bottom I combine with it.
If you purchase a shirt like this from et cetera, make sure you wash it by hands!
エトセトラ(et cetera)は、雰囲気としては、アメリカのアン・テーラーロフト(LOFT)のブランドに似ているかな、と思いました。どちらかというと、ビジネスに合うデザインが多いです。普段着でもお出かけ着のように少し畏まったスタイルを着る方が多い日本人の女性には好まれるのではないか、と感じました。色もデザインも可愛いエトセトラ(et cetera)、お店を見ましたら、是非覗いてみてください。値段的には、もう一つのインドネシアブランド、マグノリア(Magnolia)より高めですが、それでも日本と比べたらとても両親的な値段だと思います。ちなみに、こちらのシャツは150,000ルピア(1500円)くらいでした。(私の記憶違いでなければ)
skirt: zara
bermuda pants: Gap
skirt and belt: H&M
jeans: Target
et cetera
Gandaria City Shopping Mall
Position: UG – U45-46
I am sure there are other et cetera at major shopping malls in Indonesia. If I find other locations, I will update this information.
OMG your arms are still so skinny Kaho! But yes if you have been swimming then it is possibly causing the muscles to expand. But don’t stop swimming… if you continue then I’m sure it will tone it!
Thanks for sharing this find! Will definitely keep an eye out for it!
I think you look great!
This is such a cute look on you! I wish I could hire a driver, haha!! That would make my life a lot easier 🙂 🙂 And your daughter looks adorable up there. Will she start preschool after summer then? or was that preschool?
my fave look is the belted one with the pearls and the skirt. You’re always so beautiful in anything you wear. you would look gorgeous in a sack 😉
Thank! You’re too sweet. I’m afraid that if I wear a sac, my husband will mistake me as a trash and put me in a bin. 😛
Love that shirt and how versatile it is!
I understand how you feel Kaho. When I began jogging, I felt my legs getting bigger instead of smaller, but hubby reassured me it’s muscle not fat. I just had to continue jogging but it’s still annoying!LOL don’t stop swimming though, I’m sure you feel better afterwards.
I love this blouse and how you paired it up with the skirt and skinny belt and pearl necklace, genius!
so you have a driver? how cool, I assume you guys have purchased a car? I have been away from blogging so sorry if you posted about this, I just haven’t had time to catch up. But I will make the time!
Thanks, Elisa!! I hear you!! I will keep trying. I love to swim, but I don’t go swimming enough! I just have to make time. Thanks for the compliments!! Yes, we purchased a car and it came at the end of this past January. It makes the world of difference! I love having our own car. No worries about visiting, honey! I have not been able to go to my friends’ blogs lately, either, because I’m barely making my own posts on this blog… I will catch up, too! Hopefully soon…