Have I told you that I’m the biggest procrastinator and good at doing things at the last minute? Well, working on this Halloween DIY on a night before this year’s Halloween and publishing this DIY post on the Halloween Day says a lot, doesn’t it? At least I can say I did it!
If I can do this DIY, you can do it, too. This Halloween DIY to make a spider web and spiders is simple, easy and quick using accessible materials. Even if you live in a country where you can’t get already-made Halloween goods at a store, you can at least make a spider web and spiders to give a festive Halloween look for your home, a party room or even a car for trunk-or-treat.
I hope you’ll enjoy it!
私は結構一夜漬けタイプで、何をするにも結構ぎりぎりになることがあります。このハロウィンのDIY(Do It Yourselfの略で、日曜大工や工作などをDIYと呼びます。)ハロウィンの前日の夜にハロウィンのDIYで蜘蛛の巣とクモを作り、ハロウィンの日にブログにDIYの記事を更新するくらいですから、皆さんには言わなくても分かられてしまいますね。
What You Need
Pipe cleaners (I used 2 packages)
Fluffy black string or black yarn
Masking tape
What You Need
Pipe cleaners
Black craft fluffs
Easy enough, isn’t it?
Have a Happy Halloween!!
Brilliant idea. Love it. How much fun. Happy Halloween.
Thank you!! Happy Halloween!!
WoW really Nice done!!
Thank you, Ceciel!!