My friend, Yumi, makes these gorgeous cookies. She is a Seasonal Color Analysis consultant currently living in Tokyo. She took a cookie frosting class and since then, she really enjoys decorating cookies with frosting. Did I mention that she has four kids? Her kids are all young and her youngest two are twins!! I have three kids and I can’t even acquire a new skill. There is a proverb in Japan “passion and love for doing something make one improve the skills.” She’s a living proof of that.
wow your sooo creative and talented. Well done, I wish I was like you 😉
Have a lovely day<3
Well, I wish I could take credit for these cookies, but it’s my friend who made these. They tasted delicious, too!! Loved them!
OH Thanks Kaho – I feel so honored to see my name on your blog 🙂
I am a big fan of your cookies. 😛