When we first moved into our furnished apartment provided by my husband’s office, it looked like this as shown in the two photos below. When walking into the apartment, this big space welcomes you. There were actually nothing placed in the foyer when we moved in, but I moved book shelves and chairs there from other rooms.
夫の職場が用意してくれた家具付きアパートへ引っ越ししたばかりの頃は、下のような感じでした。アパートへ入ると、下のスペースが目に飛び込んできます。引っ越ししたばかりの頃は何も置かれていなかったのですが、他の部屋から 椅子と本棚を移動してみました。
Here you can see my Before & After shots so that you can compare and see how the same space looks differently.
I painted the wall in Chevron. I thought about buying a wall paper or wall decal, but I wanted to save money, so I did this on my own. I learned how to chevron paint the wall from the blog “Life of Love”.
壁をジグザグ模様にペンキで塗ってみました。同じデザインの壁紙を買うとか、ウォールステッカーを買うとかも考えたのですが、節約するために、自分で塗ってみました。シェブロン模様のペンキの塗り方は、“Life of Love”というブログに掲載されている方法を参考にしました。
I have a Pinterest board called Graphics & Typography where I collect all the fonts and graphics I like. I plan on changing the writing or design on this chalk board every couple of weeks or so. I already have a few more ideas from my Graphics & Typography board. I picked the phrase “Bloom where you are planted”, the quote by Mary Engelbreit, for our first design because it feels very appropriate for our most recent move to Mumbai. Unfortunately I can’t find the designer who created this graphic design. You can see the original design which I copied from here.
A list of my blog posts on this chalkboard can be found under the following page.
私のPinterestのボードには、私の好きなGraphics & Typography(グラフィックと文字デザイン)収集したボードがあります。この黒板用のペンキで塗った壁のデザインは何週間に一回は変えて行こうと思っています。既にGraphics & Typographyのボードに集めた中に、これから使いたいと思っているデザインを選んであります。メアリー・インゲルブライトさんの言葉、”Bloom where you are planted”(訳は「植えられた場所で花を咲かせなさい」)とは、自分の与えられた環境で頑張って成功しなさい、という意味合いを持っているので、今の私たちの状況に合っていると感じ選んでみました。デザインなのですが、デザイナーさんの情報が分かりません。こちらをクリックいただくと、私が写した元のデザインを見ることができます。
How about a decorative pillow on a chair for a change?
On the floor is the first goat skin rug that I own. I purchased this in Jakarta thanks to my friend. Thank you, Gitte!
I hope you enjoyed this post. I plan on posting little by little the photos of our new home in Mumbai and present you how I decorated our space. The challenge that I always have with our life overseas which I also wrote about here is that our shipment weight allowance does not allow us to ship many pieces of furniture and we live in a furnished housing. I always try to add accent pieces to show my personality here and there. I hope you will come back to check out more posts in the future!
If you would like to see other posts of my home, please click below.
Omg love how you’ve done up the space!
Thanks, Robyn!!
love the idea of teh chalkboard wall; there is sooo much you can do with that. Your redecorating of the space under the stairs is brillant and so cosy. Looks like you are not suffering in Mumbai. Another AWA friend is moving to Mumbai soon. I know that her name is Susie but cannot remember her last name; just play Mah Jong with her.
Thanks for the comment! I’m glad to hear that you think the space under the stairs is cosy. Thank you!!!! Please tell your friend if she needs any help with the information about moving to Mumbai or life here, I am happy to give information. I also plan on posting about Mumbai Survival List sometime in the future.
Hi Kaho, Can we post some of these ‘black board’ pics for Living Loving’s post? This surely will inspire a lot of readers. 😀
will e-mail you, soon 🙂
Of course!!!! Please!! Thank you for doing that!
been following your blog since last year when I needed some tips regarding Bali. I love reading post on how you give your new place a character and warmth. /reader from Malaysia – I Ying
Thank you for your sweet comment!! I have more Bali posts coming up from the trip I made in May! I need more time to work on these posts, but will be up soon!
Looks great Kaho! I hope you are enjoying your new home. I’m sure you’ll make the most of it! Hugs from Jakarta, Isabelle
Thanks! I am enjoying my new home 200%! Miss you!
What a beautiful home! And you’ve added a lot of personality to it – I love the chalkboard 🙂
Thank you! I love having a chalkboard!
I absolutely love what you’ve done with the space! I’ve always dreamed of having a chalkboard wall. Yours looks amazing. And I love the writing too. 素敵です☆
Thank you for the sweet comment, Miwa san!
Wow, this looks so much better! I live the same kind of life as you but never had to live in a furnished apartement, so seeing what you can do with this is great inspiration! Enjoy your new home town, all the best, Maureen x
Thank you. It’s interesting how wall colors can change the atmosphere, isn’t it?
that’s so cute babe! i’m indonesia and living in Hong Kong, hope you could explore Hong Kong and post it on your blog! 🙂
Thank you! I would love to be able to visit Hong Kong one of these days! I have never been to HK.
welcome to Mumbai, Kaho+family! wow, you just did some magic with the provided standard furniture. That’s awesome! Thank you for the inspiration. and oh my, the kids have grown taller since the last time I saw them. Big hugs to all of you. Hope settling down will be smooth and easy.
Thanks, Liza!! The kids are growing fast!! We’re settling down in Mumbai well and I love being here. At the same time I reminisce about the comfortable living we had in Jakarta.
Where did u get the chalk board wall in Mumbai. Looking forward for more makeover blogs from you.
I bought a chalk board black paint from a paint shop. You can ask for a water base chalk board black paint at a paint shop. I was given an oil base one by the first shop I went and I didn’t know that oil base is not good for the wall. The other shop I went told me that I need to use a water base chalk board paint because the oil base one could eventually ruin the wall.