The biggest event of the year for expats in Jakarta happened last weekend. The Fashion Show by the British Women’s Association (BWA) was held on May 21, 2011 in Jakarta. For those who have been involved in the production in any aspect, it was the climax of month after month of preparation.
BWA Fashion Show is a fashion show with dance performance created by expats, but it is not limited to expats. I heard about British Women’s Association Fashion Show shortly after I arrived in Jakarta last July in 2010. Having always been interested in fashion, I immediately knew that I wanted to be part of this. Anyone can be a model in this show as long as he/she becomes a member of the British Women’s Association (BWA). Needless to say, I signed up to be part of BWA. My older daughter who overheard that I was a member of British Women’s Association said in confusion “Mama, you’re not British!” True. Thanks for reminding me!
I was assigned a group in January of this year, 2011. My group consisted of 6 women including myself and two men of which one was our choreographer. We got together every Monday night to practice dance moves for the Fashion Show since this past January, 2011. Monday evenings in the last 5 months have always been hectic for me. I would prepare dinner for my family, put the girls in a bath, if there is any homework for my daughter, I’d help her with it and then go to practice that started at 7:00 p.m. I was able to do this thanks to our domestic help and of course my husband’s understanding. Some nights my husband would be home, but in the past months, my husband often worked on Monday night, so I had to depend on my domestic help to watch the girls.
Unless you work (or volunteer), there are not many opportunities for people to be part of a group to strive for one goal together. For a stay-at-home mom like me, this was a situation that I haven’t found myself in for years. I loved the weekly meetings with all the members in the group which brought me back to my high school memories of after school activities. We practiced and laughed. As the day of the show approached, the excitement and the tension started to spread among us. We dedicated a few Saturdays for the entire fashion show rehearsals. Having small children, it was not easy for me to not spend a weekend day with my kids since I have never done anything like that before, but at the same time, when I was at the rehearsals, it was incredibly fun.
The photos above were taken on May 21, 2011, the day of the British Women’s Association Fashion Show/Dance. We started our day with hair appointments at our designated hair salon around 8:30 and rehearsed twice at the stage all afternoon. After the rehearsals was some break and the time for the makeup and hair makeup. I enjoyed every minute of having makeup and hair makeup done by someone. The show did not start until 9:30 p.m., but once it started it went by as if someone fast forwarded the time.
Being a stay-at-home mom, I am never in a spotlight, but that night I was. The show to me was the proof that I did something for 5 months. Our group worked thus far to show others what we have attained together. It was satisfying in a sense that our hard work was recognized and praised. I love being a mom and raising kids, but I always feel that this recognition part is missing in parenting. We all need to be in a spotlight for raising kids, don’t we?
This looks like a lot of fun Kaho! I’m sure your family is proud of you for doing this.
This is so amazing! You look beautiful! Good for you. There is no sin in doing something for yourself once in a while 🙂
Thank you!!
So that was what it was!! Sounds like a LOT of fun! Otsukare sama!! 🙂
wow! Kaho, you look gorgeous! It looks like everyone had a fun time. I’m glad you took part in it. just imagine all the memories you will have. (someone in a previous post commented that good things come in 3, first your invitation to the tokyoflash party, then your home photo shoot and now this., you are rocking Jakarta!) I’m so happy for you.
I agree with Elisa, Kaho! You are SO rocking Jakarta! I’m totally going to update my BWA post and place a to this post of yours so that my friends can read about what took place in the backstage. What do you think?
I loved seeing what happened during your day and I admire you for your daring! I’m not sure how I would have felt dancing for that many people – I would have been a wreck! And you volunteered for this too! WOW. I don’t know if I’m brave enough hehe. =) Your makeup was gorgeous!
Just one word: SUGOI!
Highly impressive Kaho, looks like such huge and fun event. I would lovee to see a video if there is any.
And even though it “seems” like you are not in the spotlight in parenting, you really are! Everything revolves around Mom and you’re one heck of a Mother. Because when Mom is not around, home doesn’t feel like home, I’m sure you’re family knows that 🙂
I know it is a different kind of spotlight with this event and you totally deserved it. Oh, and the make looked really good on you!
Just one word: SUGOI!
Highly impressive Kaho, looks like such huge and fun event. I would lovee to see a video if there is any.
And even though it “seems” like you are not in the spotlight in parenting, you really are! Everything revolves around Mom and you’re one heck of a Mother. Because when Mom is not around, home doesn’t feel like home, I’m sure you’re family knows that 🙂
I know it is a different kind of spotlight with this event and you totally deserved it. Oh, and the make up looked really good on you!