Sip N’ See is a southern tradition in the U.S. where friends gather to meet a baby. My talented, stylish friend, Ana of Stumble Abroad, offered to host a gathering for me and my baby boy so that I don’t have to keep entertaining friends at home to introduce him. Ana is very sweet like that. For various reasons, I decided to use this opportunity to introduce our baby to my husband’s work related friends during their lunch break since I don’t get to see them. Unfortunately, many of them were busy with work and could not make it to the party, but it turned out to be a nice, cozy party that I truly enjoyed. Those who could not make it missed great food at Ana’s for sure.
シップ・アンド・シー(Sip N’ Seeとは、お茶をすするの’Sip’と赤ちゃんを見るの’See’)とは、米国南部の習慣で、生まれた赤ちゃんのお披露目をために女性の友達が集まるパーティーのことを言います。とってもセンスの良い友人で、ブログStumble Abroadの著者であるアナが、息子のために集まりを開いてくれると言ってくれました。彼女はとっても優しい人なんです。色々な理由から、なかなか会う機会のない夫の仕事関係の友人をこの会に誘い、お昼休みを利用して来てもらう事にしました。ただ残念ながら、多くの友人はお仕事で忙しく来れませんでした。でも、小規模で暖かいパーティーでとても楽しかったです。来れなかった友人は、アナが作った美味しい料理を逃してしまって残念!
My talented crafty friend, Liza Yon of The Card Kitchen made a diaper plate for my baby. What a great idea, isn’t it?
手の器用な友人で、ブログThe Card Kitchenの著者のリザさんは、このような素敵なおしめのプレートを作ってプレゼントしてくれました。素敵なアイディアですよね?
Ana set up a photo booth for the party and we took photos with mustache and lips made of paper. It was a hit! Such a great idea!
WOW. Very stylish indeed!!
What a great idea! We need to adopt this in the US. Such cute decorations!
Hi Kaho! It was an honor and pleasure to throw the sip and see for Y! I would tell you to go ahead and have another one so we have a new excuse to party…. =P
her home is squeaky lavish 🙂 Love the sight of the food too!
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This is the Sip and See we hosted for my dear friend Kaho a few weeks ago. I didn’t take any pictures because my camera was on photo booth duty and I’m so glad Kaho was able to capture a bit of the lovely journee we spent together.
Kaho, I hope you don’t mind I reblogged this. I told my mom about the party and she wanted to see some photos, which I just didn’t have… =P Hugs!
No, not at all!! That’s an honor!! Thanks! Hugs back!