How I came to own this black lace dress with strap back feels like a combination of coincidence and luck. I joined instagram at the beginning of 2014 and then a couple of months later, I saw a photo of my stylish graphic designer friend, Katie, on her instagram account (it’s a personal one, so no photo, sorry!) wearing a black dress with a stunning back. I instantly loved it. I thought it was the coolest dress. I loved it so much that I went searching for it online and I came across this black dress with back strings dress which I pinned onto my Formal Dresses Pinboard (also in a collage below) on Pinterest.
Coincidentally my friend, Micky, who is a fashion designer by trade and currently a full-time stay-at-home mom in Mumbai, asked me back in March or April 2014 if I would be interested in having a dress made by her and make some donation for the work so that she can give the money to those who is in need. She sent me some sample photos of beautiful dresses which she made in Singapore before moving to Mumbai. I was very impressed. I have wanted to own a new dress, so the timing was great. I also found the concept wonderful. She is like me taking care of a little child and that is her focus now, but she also wanted to be involved with what excites her which is creating dresses.
As soon as she offered, I went to my Formal Dresses Pinterest board and looked for other inspirations. The black dress that has back strings was too short to me. I also wanted a long formal gown and if I were to make it in black, I wanted a bit more texture to it. Then I saw this dress (original source is gone now) in black made with lace (photo below) and I loved it. I also asked to have a train on the back and the shape to be an A line.
The two photos in the collage below are the core design inspirations of my black dress.
I brought those two photos to Micky and as I explained, she started sketching a beautiful dress on her design book. She was so fast and professional. I have never seen a professional designer sketch in person. Then she measured me. Now I needed fabric to get started. In the following week, Micky and I went fabric shopping together which was another fun experience. I handed the fabric to her and she started working on the dress. When the dress was ready for the first fitting, I went to her place and I was simply in awe. It looked like just as I imagined. After the second fitting, the dress was done.
I have worked with a tailor in the past, but I have never worked with a professional designer. The big difference I saw between a tailor and Micky, a designer, was that she has a profound understanding of the relationship between body shapes, design and fabric. At the first fitting, she simply observed me wearing the unfinished dress and figured out what needed to be changed before I even pointed out. We had to make some changes which was going to be more work for her. I felt badly for her, but at the end of the fitting, she said to me that what is important is that the dress makes me feel confident. It totally does.
Fashion has always been my fascination, but I have never been involved in the fashion world. Writing fashion posts on my blog is as close as I get to what I have dreamed of doing and working with Micky was such an honor. I’m lucky to be able to call her my friend.
In the evening on the day of a party my husband and I were going, I came downstairs where my daughters were hanging out. As they are very typical girls, they loved seeing a dress and full makeup on me and sweetly complimented on my look. Their words meant so much to me.
While my oldest daughter took photos of me in a dress, my munchkin son saw it and came running to me. I loved seeing his expressions when he took a close look at me. I probably looked weird or scary to him, but how I loved his soft hug on my leg with his small arms!!!
Another Dress I Designed ☆ Maternity Formal Gown
Earrings & Bracelets: Purpose Jewelry (formerly known as iSanctuary)
Hair: Dessange
Designer of Black Lace Dress With Strap Back
Micky Tan
You looked absolutely stunning.
Thank you!!!!
Wow!!! What a beautiful dress! And you’re totally rocking it
Thank you, Miwa!!!
Wwoww, the dress is so beautiful and you look stunning. LIke it to the max!!
Thank you, Shinta!!!!! It means a lot to me that you took time to leave me a comment!
Loooooove the back!
Yvonne, thank you for the comment!
Kaho, Love that dress! You look amazing! I love your blog and your photography. They make me feel like I need to take the next flight home to Mumbai from Houston! I’ve been taking notes of all the places, restuarants and things to do, for next time I’m back home! I do hope you are there next summer and we can meet in person.
Charmi, thank you for your sweet comment! It means a lot to hear my readers’ voices. I am so glad to hear that you enjoy my posts!!