I never knew until I became a parent that birthdays are exhausting. Is it just me? I had another daughter’s birthday on Tuesday, the 23rd. My two girls have birthdays within two days. It is a happy month for them, but a hectic month for me.
I made cupcakes on the night before my first daughter’s 6th birthday. I stayed up late to bake and brought the cakes to her class early in the morning on her actual birthday. I got a permission to let her classmates put icing and sprinkles on their own cupcakes during the class. It was interesting to see different personalities just by seeing how they decorate their own cupcakes.
My daughter absolutely loved the attention. She had been very excited about her birthday since October and finally the day came. She could not be happier when her classmates sang a birthday song for her and to see her glowing smile on her face blew away my fatigue.
Dear my monkey daughter, I hope you enjoyed the cupcake celebration with your friends! I’m sorry that I’m not strong enough to give you a birthday party this year. I hope you understand. I love birthday parties, so I promise, I’ll be better next year… I am ecstatic that you turned 6. It is a big number because 6 is closer to ten than it is to zero.
My own birthday wears me out 🙂 The cupcakes are beauuutiful and she is lucky to have you as her mom!!
Krystal, that’s funny! Thanks!
Oh! It must have been so much fun for the little one! Happy birthday! I hope you have a great Thanksgiving!
Happy birthday to your daughters!! They’re soo pretty and I bet they will grow even prettier!
You did a great job making those cupcakes Kaho!
Happy Birthday little munchkins!!
I love the cakes you made! They look so pretty! What’s on the bigger one? Marshmallows?
I put frosting on the bigger one. I used a frosting kit (plastic bag and a tip) to make those little bits of frosting. It’s butter cream frosting I found online with neon color food coloring. 🙂
Happy birthday to both of your daughters! They are lucky to have a mother like you! <3
I can understand that it is exhausting to have two birthdays in a row.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hugs, Nina
Love the cupcakes! Whoa interesting to know that your daughters bdays are close to each other.. It’s rare! I guess another option is to have their bdays on the same day, with different fave cakes of their own 🙂
Happy Birthday to your sweathearts!
Thanks!! I wish I could bake like some foodie bloggers…
Kaho, You just made your daughter’s birthday memorable. I’m sure she will remember how her classmates sang her happy bday and that her Mom brought cupcakes to class. In my opinion you don’t need big fancy parties. I bet it took hard work to make that last cupcake. perfect 6.
Happy birthday to your darling girl! I agree, birthdays can be very exhausting – especially with two so close like you have 🙂
Kaho, both of them look so happy and thrilled with the school and home celebrations. Great job! You can tell that she loved her birthday dress, which is gorgeous. What an amazing little fashion plate to be able to pull off such a strong print! I adore how you swirled the frosting on the cupcakes! So cute.
Thanks, Maca!! That dress is ZARA’s (although I bought it at a factory outlet store). I think of you when I see anything ZARA. 🙂 It makes me want to travel to Spain and visit the original ZARA!