Last week my friend, Meredith, whom I wrote about on this blog before, and her husband had a birthday party for their second son at a lake in their neighborhood. It was a gorgeous summer day and perfect for a beach party. I drove 45 minutes south on the interstate from where we live to attend their son’s birthday party. I have known their second son for 4 years since his birth in Okinawa, Japan. I was very happy that I finally made it to his birthday party. In the past it always happened that by his birthday we were out of town visiting families in summer.
It was a happy occasion to celebrate the birthday of my friend’s son. At the same time, it ended up being a tough day for me and my girls as we had to say goodbye to our best friends in the past 4 plus years. We were fortunate enough to live in the area where we were able to see each other frequently. Thanks to internet and Facebook we can keep up with each other’s lives, but as you know it’s not the same as visiting them every so often. I hope our paths will cross again.
As our pack-out is approaching in the near future and we’ll travel after we move out, my blog updates will be sporadic due to the limited time I will have with the computer and internet usage. I’ll try to update my blog whenever I see the opportunity. We shall see.
Oh, Kaho. It was a bittersweet day. Thanks for being there and taking pictures. We love you guys. Until then.
Thanks, Mere! We already miss you guys.