As I started snapping away, the receptionist ducked to hide… Sorry! I did get a permission to take these photos.
I have not been to many spas in Jakarta, but I have been to a handful of spas and already figured out the places I like, so I feel like I don’t need to explore more. Of course, I’m always up for trying a new place. My very good friend here introduced me to a Mi Casa on Benda Raya in Kemang. This is a place I would choose to go to for pedicure if I have time to treat myself for that. A Mi Casa has a very inexpensive price for pedicure and the quality of work is high.
If you ask where my favorite spa in Jakarta, Indonesia is, then the answer is Puri Santi for overall service, ambiance and pricing. Ambiance to me is very important especially for relaxation. It is critical, don’t you think? The massage I had at Puri Santi was really good. If I get a gift voucher for my friend for birthday or I have an out of town guest, my choice is Puri Santi. However, when I think of getting a mani and pedi done just for myself, I would choose a Mi Casa. A Mi Casa has free WiFi. That’s a plus as well for me. You can get your pediicure done while you surf on internet or do work online if you bring your computer. I’m all about hitting two birds with one stone.
Some of my expat friends also go to the salon of a Mi Casa for their hair cut. I like getting a haircut by a Japanese stylist, so I have places I recommend for those who look for a Japanese hair stylist. The two places I like are Anna Wijaya in Permata Hijau, nobu in Dharmawangsa City Walk Mall and Shunji Matsuo which is also in Dharmawangsa City Walk Mall. Shunji Matsuo in Dharmawangsa City Walk is great, too, and I loved the haircut done by a Japanese stylist at Shunji Matsuo but the price is higher there than nobu. At the end of the day, it’s my hair, and I chose a less expensive salon if the quality of service is the same.
ジャカルタというスパ天国に住んでいながら、あまりスパには行っていないのですが、何軒か行った中で既にお気に入りがあるので、これ以上探索する必要性は感じないのですが、新しくa Mi Casaを友人に今年の9月に紹介され、とても気に入っています。
ジャカルタで一番好きなスパは?と訊かれたら、Puri Santiと答えます。雰囲気と言い、お値段と言い、申し分無いです。a Mi Casaよりはお値段が高いのですが、友達の誕生日やジャカルタに遊びに来てくれた友人を連れて行くなら、断然Puri Santiになります。それにPuri Santiはマッサージがとても上手だと思います。でも自分のマニュキア、ペディキュアであれば、a Mi Casaで充分だし、お値段がとてもお安いので、頻繁に行きやすいです。
西洋人の友人の間では、a Mi Casaのサロンでヘアーカットをしてもらう人も多いです。私はやはり日本人のヘアースタイリストさんにカットしてもらいたいので、行くとしたら日本人が働いているサロンになります。ジャカルタだと、ペルマタヒジャオにあるAnna Wijayaか、ダルマワンサのシティー・ウォーク・モールにあるnobuかShunji Matsuoさんです。
一人でちょっとペディキュアしてもらいたい、なんて時はa Mi Casaお勧めですよ!
a Mi Casa
Salon & Spa
Jl. Benda Raya no. 17,
Kemang, Jakarta Seletan
Phone: +62 21 7806 222
Look for this sign on the right on Jalan Benda Raya coming from Kemang Raya.
I’m looking for a good nail salon for pedicure in Kemang. I will go there! Thank you for sharing this info.
Sure!! You’re welcome! I’ll have to get my pedicure done soon. I need to go to a Mi Casa… Or, I’ll treat myself to Puri Santi as it’s the end of the year…