Updated on February 5, 2015
Paisley Things have grown and moved to a new location! I have changed the address to the updated one. Please scroll down for the information.
I received an email from the founder of Paisely Things, Caroline, informing me that Paisley Things has moved to a permanent location and now has a new beautiful showroom on the ground floor in their new building. The number of programs has grown and the number of artisans supported by the foundation has been added. They now have new talents and new products. Caroline is proud of each and every artisan for they have turned their life and prospered.
I so wish I could come see their new shop and new products that they have launched. I’m envious of all of you who live in Jakarta and get to visit them at a new location! I also hear from various people that Jakarta has so many more cool places to go since I left in 2013. I stay in touch with Jakarta through some Instagram photos and blogs and it makes me so happy to see how much Jakarta has flourished. I hope that the young power in Jakarta will keep up the great work.
(Added on February 5, 2015)
I went to one of the women’s associations’ bazaars in the spring 2013 (There are many in Jakarta and you must check them out if you live there! They are really fun and provide great opportunities for you to discover local venders.) and saw Paisley Things. I didn’t buy anything from Paisley Things then, but later my stylish Japanese friend, Masako, took me to Paisley Things. Remember her? She is the one who introduced me to a Spanish tapas restaurant Plan B, a cute zakka store Tan Living, discount dish-ware shop called Toko Dewi, gorgeous cafe inside Papilion in Kemang called Huize van Wely, and Harvest Cafe. She also had me over at her place for stylish morning tea.
2013年の春のある女性協会のバザーに行った際、Paisley Thingsを知りました。その時は可愛いな〜とは思ったのものの、買い物はせず通り過ぎました。後に偶然にも友人のまさこさんがPaisley Thingsへ連れて行ってくれました。まさこさんは、その前にもスペインタパスレストランであるPlan Bや可愛い雑貨の店Tan Living、安く食器が買えるToko Dewi、クマンにあるパピリオンという建物の中にあるお洒落なカフェHuize van Wely、そしてHarvest Cafeを教えてくれたお洒落な友人です。彼女には、一度とっても素敵なお茶にも招待していただいたことがあり、お家のモーニングティーをブログにも紹介した事があります。
Anyways, this time I fell in love with Paisley Things all over again. Paisley Things is a vendor who sells the products made by a local artisans. The Paisley Design, which at the time of my visit was led by a French lady, Caroline, who studied design, provided the plans and designs for the products that the local Indonesian artisans made and overlooked the production. I had a chance to meet Caroline as I went there when she was in the shop. She’s very nice and I love meeting creators behind the products. I love that about going to an independent store. The artisans benefited from this organization as they created very original products with polished designs thanks to the help from the Paisley Design and they attracted many customers. Have you seen anything like this?
Paisley Thingsのお店に行った時、Paisley Thingsの魅力に圧倒されました。Paisley Thingsでは、インドネシア人工芸家達によって作られた工芸品を売っています。私がお店に行った時は、ペイズリーデザインはCaroline(キャロリン(フランス語読み)キャロライン(英語読み))というフランス人でデザインを勉強された女性によって経営されており、現地のインドネシア人工芸人が作る工芸品のデザインとアイディアを提供し、また製造を監督をする役割を果たしていました。私がたまたまお店に行った際、キャロリンさんがいらっしゃったので、お話をする機会がありました。とてもフレンドリーで、優しい方ですよ。単独のお店に行くと、商品を作るクリエーターに会えることがとても嬉しいと感じます。ペイズリーデザインのお陰で、洗練されたデザインとオリジナリティーに溢れる工芸品を作り、その商品は人気を集めていました。こんな素敵な商品見た事がありますか?
Some products are made out of recycled items. For example, the candle jars on the left photo below are made with recycled hospital jars.
I just think that the products sold at Paisley Things are gorgeous. The little house filled with the Paisleydesign products made me feel like I stepped into a house in a little town in France. If you haven’t been to the Paisley Things store, maybe you want to make the time to visit. I purchased a birdcage shape photo wire that is shown in the photo below on the right side. The one in the back is the one I purchased, but I bought one in white. I plan on showing you the products when I put it up in my new home in Mumbai. It will probably be in the fall time (in the northern hemisphere).
Paisley Thingsの工芸品はとても素敵だと思いませんか?Paisley Thingsのお店に入った途端、まるでフランスの小さな街のお店に入ったような気がしますよ。ジャカルタ在住で、もしまだPaisley Thingsに行った事が無ければ、是非行ってみて下さい!私は右下の写真にある鳥かごの後ろの方の商品で白いものを購入しました。ムンバイの新しい家で飾った後ブログで紹介したいと思います。きっと秋頃になってしまうかとは思いますが、良かったら見てやって下さい。
Paisley Things
Updated on February 5, 2015
Jl Bumi No 31
(next to SMP 29, near Pasar Majestic)
Kebayoran Baru
TEL: 21-27510156
I can’t believe you’re not in Jakarta and I’m *still* finding out places to go to from you :p
Sorry I didn’t get to see you before you left, I’ve been meaning to email you! Ahh, hope to see you again some day~ 🙂
Awww, Atri, you’re sweet to say that. Not to worry. I was happy that I had a chance to see you a month before I had left. I hope to see you again some day, too! I had so much fun getting to know you. I will always keep the issues of Living etc Indonesia on which you featured my home and invited me as a stylist as my treasure for life!
I’ve seen their stuff at several bazaars. Very cute in deed! Miss you Kaho!!!
Thanks, Ana! I miss hanging out with you!!!
Reblogged this on Be Blessed & Fruitful 🙂.
My first trip to Jakarta coming up in three weeks and you have just left, what a shame. We are staying in Kemang and I am enjoying going back through your posts to get the insider knowledge on where to go and what to do there. I hope you are enjoying your new life in Mumbai, there is nothing quite like India.
Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving me a comment! I am so bummed that I am not in Jakarta when you make your first trip to Jakarta because I would be your tour guide!!!! It is a shame! You’re going to enjoy Kemang. I’m excited for you for your visit!! I agree with you. There is nothing quite like India!