If you are looking for a shop to have leather bags made, I highly recommend Leather Field. Leather Field is a shop in Dharavi, Mumbai that specializes in order made items such as purses, jackets, wallets, and so forth. According to the shopkeeper, Leather Field owns its workshop where their craftsmen work directly for them. I found that this system enables Leather Field to control product quality and prices better as opposed to some shops which seem to outsource their orders to independent workshops.
What I loved about Leather Field was that they were always professional, punctual and reliable. Punctuality was not always seen at Famous Sales Leather Boutique that I previously used for making a few leather bag. The quality of craftsmanship at Leather Field was higher than the other shop I mentioned. Therefore, I started ordering from Leather Field in the last half year of our time in Mumbai.
Shop No. 6, Sion Bandra Link Road
Dharavi, Mumbai 400 017
*Opposite of Gold Field Plaza
Please scroll down to view some street view photos of Leather Field and the view of the opposite side of the shop on Sion Bandra Link Road.
EMAIL leatherfield786@gmail.com
WhatsApp Number 7666776069
Abdul, the shop keeper in the photo above, spoke English quite fluently. Whenever I wanted to order something, I always called him or visited the shop when he was there. According to Abdul, Leather Field used to have business with a foreign company and made many purses to export. Unfortunately, they no longer have a business with the company, but if you talk to Abdul, you could probably tell that he was used to dealing with foreign customers.
I am aware that there are many expats who are interested in custom-made leather products while living in Mumbai because Mumbai is famous for them. Many think that it’s easy and cheap to do so, but I must tell you that the reality was different to me. You might not get the color of leather you are looking for. The texture of the purse in the finished work might be different from what you pictured. Unfortunately, you won’t find out until the work is completed. Whether you like the final product or not, you have to pay for it because it is a custom-made. In this sense, it is a bit of a gamble. It might take a few mistakes to get exactly what you envisioned or want, but if it’s something that you really want, then it might be worth a try.
I wrote a post about my very first leather bag that I custom-made in Dharavi, Mumbai and the shop where I ordered it, Famous Sale Leather Boutique, which is right next door to Leather Field. I wrote tips on how to order custom-made leather bags in the same post. Please refer to my post “Leather Shop Dharavi Mumbai” for the type of bag I had made and my tips for ordering custom-made bags.
In countries like Indonesia and India, I learned through my own blogging that sometimes shops close or relocate in a short period of time. There is no guarantee that the shop will stay in the same place for many years. This is the challenge of blogging about those countries as the information gets outdated quickly. I hope Leather Field will stay in the current location in Dharavi for a long time and their business will grow. I really liked the shop and I wish them more success.
Very good!!
Thank you!!