INDIGO is our second restaurant experience in Mumbai. (Kofuku, Japanese restaurant, was our first. It rocked.) We dined at INDIGO in the R City Mall. Since new friend in Mumbai pointed out to INDIGO in Pali Hill area, I recognized the sign when I saw the restaurant in R City Mall.
ムンバイに到着して2番目に行ったレストランは、INDIGOです。(初めて行ったレストランは、和食の「幸福」です。ムンバイにこんな場所があるなんて、と嬉しくなりました。)インディゴではお昼をいただきました。パリ・ヒル(丘)にお買い物に行った際、こちらで知り合った友人にINDIGOは美味しいよと教えてもらっていたので、R Cityでロゴを見て分かりました。
The interior design was chic and modern and inside was very cosy. The music and the food at INDIGO reminded me a little bit of KOI Kemang in Jakarta, Indonesia. It is my favorite restaurant in whole Jakarta.
インディゴのインテリアはシックでモダンな感じで、とても落ち着きがありました。音楽と食べ物は、私がジャカルタで一番好きだったレストランであるコイKOI Kemangを思わせました。
I really liked the food at INDIGO. I thought that it was great. The service was really good. I’m so used to the rather slow service in Indonesia that it was striking. The customer service in Mumbai that I have experienced so far is really good and friendly.
My favorite part was of course the dessert. This was eggless mousse. Delicious!!
R City Mall
Level 3, Phase 2
Amrut Nagar, Ghatkopar West
Mumbai, MH 400086, India
Phone: (022)2518 1010
10:00 – 12:00 am
If you are curious about INDIGO in R City mall, here is a great restaurant review. I love the photos on this post. If you live in the Powai area, you should subscribe to their page or become a fan on their Facebook page. I would. I hear Powai is a new residential area that has boomed among many expats.
英語になりますが、R CityにあるINDIGOのレストランのリビューです。Powai.infoは、オンラインのポワイに関する情報サイトです。見た感じ、沢山の情報が満載で、センスもよく、ポワイにお住まいであれば、とても良い情報収集源になるのではと思いました。
I’m glad you enjoyed Indigo Deli, I’m a big fan of their food. I think you would also enjoy the Tasting Room in Lower Parel, it’s one of my favourite places to eat. There are loads of reviews of it on the internet but it comes with the added bonus of being sited in a lovely shop called Goodearth, selling expensive but gorgeous furnishings, crockery, accessories and toiletries.
Great!!! Thanks for the tip and recommendations! I was recommended to go to Good Earth for decorative item shopping and spotted the store in Juhu and also near the Taj Mahal Hotel, but I didn’t know about the Tasting Room in Lower Parel! Thanks!!
Dear Kaho, that resto looks amazing! I know what you mean about being surprised about quick service after being posted to Jakarta. Another thing that I still can’t get over with here in Berlin is that many small coffee shops or restos here have only one person attending to the till, serving and cleaning. After Philippines and Indonesia where labor is cheap and there is a gazillion staff it’s something amazing for me.
That’s so interesting!! That’s a new perspective. There is a lot of staff here, too. I love seeing your posts on Germany! It’s very interesting to me!
yum! i’ve got the travel bug! 🙂
Yay! Come to Mumbai! 🙂