Eleanor Roosevelt was the First Lady and politician who devoted her life to fight for the human rights. I have a lot of respect for her and her way of living. She left many words of wisdom that have inspired many people in the world. This is only one example. It was encouraging to see her words on my chalkboard which I see a number of times throughout the day.
The original of this print which I copied from was found on Poppytalk. Click here to see the original graphic design which is also saved in my Graphics & Typography Pinterest Board.
This quote reminds me of Martin Luther King, Jr’s speech “I have a dream”. In fact, Eleanor Roosevelt was an ardent supporter of him. I would be happy if I can have even a little bit of their courage to attain my dream.
このグラフィックデザインは、Poppytalkというサイトで見つけました。私が真似した原本はこちらをクリックすると見れます。また、私のピンタレストのGraphics & Typographyというボードにも保存されています。
Do you have a dream? Having a dream gives you hope for the future, doesn’t it?
Such wonderful words of wisdom! And I’ve probably said this before but I love your idea of having inspiring words on your chalkboard wall 🙂
Thanks, Miwa!! It’s encouraging to hear that you like my idea!!
Dear Kaho, you have such beautiful handwriting and a talent for fonts! Thank you my dose of inspiration today. They are wonderful words to live by aren’t they?
Thank you! It makes my day to hear that you were inspired by my board!!